
There's a fundamental disconnect between people who watched the debate and saw it as viscerally disqualifying and people who saw a gifted politician having a very bad night. The two camps are going to have a very hard time reaching agreement on anything else about the race.
I don't think that's necessarily the disconnect. He's obviously not the man he was. But replacing him causes a lot of other issues. If he resigns the presidency for Harris, we have no VP, and Speaker Batshit is 2nd in line. He *could* step away from the candidacy & not the presidency, but...
Avatar either case, the GOP already is working on ways to keep anyone else off the ballot in various states. Might not work, but it will drain time and energy. And of course everyone from the center to the left has to get behind Harris immediately (as they should be now instead of wish-casting.)
Will not work. It's an absolute bullshit head-fake. Neither party *has* a nominee until the elected delegates choose one. Signed, An Election Lawyer
Sure! But that doesn’t mean they won’t try, and then the Dems have to scramble to defend, the media chases THAT story instead of the one Dems want to be talking about, yada yada. All I’m saying is that there are risks to any decision made and we have to be aware of them.
They won't try. The statutes aren't there. And lawyers -- as we've seen -- can be punished for advancing election-related claims not rooted in facts and law.
They can. But if Trump wins, they won’t!
Yeah, I get it. But we're in lawless territory now.
I understand that view. So let's just return to the basic question: if Biden chose to step down from the ticket before the delegates nominate him, there won't be any legal problem replacing him on any state ballot.
There shouldn't be, but I remain doubtful that the rule of law will hold. It obviously hasn't.
Ballot access is terrain I know *very* well.
I'm not arguing with your expertise, I'm doubting the expertise of others and their commitment to the rule of law (meaning GOP operatives and corrupt judges, etc.)
One of the main bulwarks which stopped Trump's legal efforts after the 2020 election were federal judges *he nominated to the bench* who called legal and factual bullshit on his claims.
see, e.g., Secretary of the Commonwealth v Trump (3d Cir Nov 27, 2020), authored by the Hon. Stephanos Bibas, nominated by Trump and confirmed 53-43 -- Manchin was the only Dem in favor.