Bad Accessibility / Alt Text Labeler

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Bad Accessibility / Alt Text Labeler

Moderation service for identifying posts and media with user-hostile accessibility properties. Managed by
Due to a programming oversight, images in quote posts were not being caught by the auto-labeler. This shortcoming has been rectified: quote posts that include an image without alt text will now be labeled appropriately.
This service only applies labels for posts without alt text, not accounts. If you see an account that repeatedly posts images without suitable alt text, consider asking them to help make their images accessible!
As of midnight UTC 2024-03-22, the Bad Accessibility / Alt Text Labeler is currently unable to submit labels. We are investigating the issue.
It turns out that the Bad Accessibility / Alt Text Labeler is labeling posts at over 20 times the rate of the main Bluesky Moderation Service, outpacing what Bluesky was initially anticipating for this feature. Our labels are currently being delayed, to ensure that Bluesky itself remains stable.
Thank you for your patience: all pending moderation requests have been addressed, and the automatic labeling service for images with no/junk alt text is now active. (In just this first half hour it's been running, we've already labeled over 4,000 posts - wow!)
End of feed.