
a lot of people seem to think my annoyance here is with jokes about political violence, which i’m on record saying are fine and cathartic. my annoyance is with people who disengage with effective forms of politics and replace them with fantasies
the worst dudes online are the guys who are like “the time for electoral politics is over, it’s time for guillotines.” yeah bud i’m sure you’ll stop posting and get the ball rolling on the guillotines any minute now.
So ... what do you propose be done? I'm not American, and don't even live there, but you guys are reenacting the summer of 32 and the best your democratic forces have to offer is tone policing and civility politics.
if you’re asking what my solution to the ascendance of fascism is i don’t have one. if you’re asking what’s better than larping and nihilism I’d say literally any form of political organization.
Maybe if enough people express their desire to stop fascism by any means necessary, rather than bitch about how others are going about it wrong, people will start organizing. I take a loud larper over a quiet "realist" any time.
Why? The larper does even less than the centrist, and that's a low bar to clear
Overton Window shift. Rightwing larpers did a lot of the heavy lifting there.
If you're of the mind that electoralism is a dead end and that more drastic measures are necessary, the easiest way to signal that you're not serious is to post about it online
The Tinkerbell Theory of politics
The only response I have seen to every potential fascist crisis is a near-constant demand from the Democrat Party for more money to do they job they're already paid to do, along with Biden saying he is going to do nothing without bipartisan support from the fascists....
...and when I suggest you arm up and be ready to defend yourselves and others, all of you "voters" act like I'm the wacko despite the obvious failures of your methods which got us here....not the least of which was desperately defending free speech rights for Nazis which took over all news media.
We had a bullet for Ashli Babbitt and we’ll have enough for everyone who decides to try it again this next January. The states are holding the fake electors accountable. I don’t know what proportion of the military is loyal to Trump over the USA, but I am cautiously optimistic it’s few enough.
What happens if Trump wins the electoral vote?
That would be horrific for the US and the world, especially Ukraine, Palestine, and Taiwan; I expect much of the aggression to face inward. Like nuclear war, stakes are enormous but odds aren’t terrible: 2020 Trump had a ground game & Biden didn’t; unions & reproductive rights are on the march now.
Dems are in fact messaging about Dobbs and labor rights, and spooling up ground operations, especially in battleground states like North Carolina. The fact that Trump is a rapist and a convicted felon is de-energizing nominal “independent” voters who had previously supported him. We’re fighting.
Yeah, that horrid story about Trump violating little girls has been trending massively on Twitter as of late.
They better understand how the Electoral College works. 100% of voters in NY and CA voting against fascism won't do anything if you lose, say, Georgia.
Uh, yes, campaign managers do. Seems like FL and TX are potentially winnable if there’s a landslide but a squeaker it would likely hinge on other states. To maximize presidential-race efficiency, seems like they’re sacrificing some down-ballot FL territory to fight harder in other states, yes.
Last I checked, the Biden campaign gave up on Florida already
Your first post that I responded to talked about some of the ways a second Trump challenge of a Biden win could be handled. This post appears to be talking about the domino effects of a second Trump victory. Is there no plan of action for that outcome?
Such a plan, if remotely workable, would hypothetically include extreme care to avoid releasing information about it.
Search “don’t obey in advance” though, if you want some general principles.