
Things seem bleak but it’s probably a bad sign for Republicans that people have started mentioning their actual goals and political blueprint and their response is “how fucking dare you??”
No one should lose sight of the fact that nearly every major gop policy is unpopular. They know it themselves. That’s the election.
It’s the horrible secret that no one can share: their actual beliefs. It’s why their Supreme Court nominees just lied to everyone, right in their faces.
That's the thing, ever Republican-nominated Justice is *at minimum* guilty of perjury, which should be impeachable on it's own. To say nothing of the myriad credible allegations of harassment, assault, rape and bribery.
Really the DNC strategy should be posting that list of Trump's plans over and over in responsexto pretty much anything. Like yes Biden is bad but my god things can be SO MUCH WORSE The fact that the GOP are already reeling from their plans becoming slightly more known shows this is a good strategy
I’m even okay with the strategy of Biden reading this ^ post word for word on the air. Trumps plans are really that bad.