
Imagine being dramatically unfollowed IRL. You're going about your business in a grocery store when some random guy sidles up to you. "I'm going to stop following you," he whispers. "I've been following you for a long time, but no longer. Not after your recent statements." And then he sidles away
You're standing there with an orange in your hand, trying to process what the fuck just happened. Next week you're on your way to work when a car pulls up to pass you, the driver yells "I'm not following you anymore!" and pulls ahead.
In therapy you are telling your therapist about this, these weird events. Halfway through a woman emerges from behind a potted plant, tells you she just cannot keep following you, she has followed you for the past 4 years but this is just too far, and then she storms angrily out.
You're walking your dog when from behind a tree a man emerges. "I'm unfoll-" You punch him hard in the throat. When he is able to breathe again you ask him who the fuck he is, why is he following you, how long has he been following you.
That's going to get you canceled with all your stalkers.