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All pookleblinky know is play music, lift weight, eat hot chip, write unsettling threads. You are now aware of the taste of your own mouth. Gendered in the way a peat bog is.

Trumpet, saxophone, guitar, banjo, and squats
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Sometimes you have to love British euphemisms. If someone showed up drunk on live television, the BBC would say that they were "tired and emotional" to evade a libel lawsuit.
Tired and emotional - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org
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Americans mostly think that the rest of the world has immigration policies that are pretty similar to what they *think* US immigration policies are like: open to almost anyone, with special dispensation for refugees. We haven't been that country ... maybe ever, but we think we're the norm.
my brother the other day made a joke about getting his kids passports in the event of Trump being re-elected and I just thought "No one is gonna take a non-binary trans person whose has zero money and lots of debt."
Reposted byAvatar Pookleblinky
Requested a ride and then, because 50% of Lyfts and Ubers these days are Teslas, almost mistook the wrong guy in a Tesla for my driver. He wasn’t happy about it. Sorry dude, didn’t realize you were just a douchebag.
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have you all heard of THE RADIUM GIRLS? if you haven’t, go look that up because any post i try to do won’t be enough and will get suppressed. come back when you’re done looking up THE RADIUM GIRLS okay. you done? cool. okay so Clarence Thomas wants to get rid of OSHA
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This is the tell imho "...we’re dealing with the proper movement of people," ... he doesn't like the way 8th Avenue with its heavy mix of people, bikes and scooters looks.
"The roadway once carried between four and six lanes for motor vehicles, despite 88 percent of people in the area traveling on foot and squeezing into 30 percent of the space." And now Adams wants to give it back to cars?
Mayor Adams May Nix Sidewalk Expansions on Bustling Eighth Ave. - Streetsblog New York Citynyc.streetsblog.org Mayor Eric Adams cast doubt on years of city efforts to give pedestrians more space to walk on overcrowded Eighth Avenue.
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The Neil Gaiman thing is reminding me of the time loads of people I knew went from "Always believe the victims" to "Oh we should wait and see." because it was Joss Whedon being accused and that would mean having to rethink their relationship with Buffy.
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repost with a tweet you still think about
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
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Imagine withholding funds to save abortion and trans rights because you didn’t get a call on your birthday Absolutely gargantuan pissbaby behavior
Step down for the birthday boys
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BUT WE HAVE TO GIVE HIM THE BENEFIT OF DOUBT No we don’t. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck it’s probably a cishet dude that doesn’t understand consent
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last week a family came in like, preemptively mad and asked if we buried someone in their lot and added their name to the stone bc they had never seen the name and none of them recognized it, and clearly implied we had done something untoward and then it turned out it was just their grandma's uncle
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Alzheimer’s is such a bitch to grieve. The person withers away, there’s no one moment to say, “My sadness is now valid”
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So to confirm, now we have near-final numbers: Every time 19 Tory MPs get a bit grumpy this parliament and stick their letters into the 1922 Committee... ...it'll automatically trigger a leadership contest.
Worth remembering, for the next five years, that the Tory party rules ASSUME they'll have a large number of sitting MPs. e.g. to automatically start a leadership context only 15% of tory MPs have to put in letters. 15% of 130ish seats is... not a lot.
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i can't tell you what a mindfuck it is to be able to go through 200 years of documents and see exactly how things were done then compared to how they're done now
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I kinda wonder about this, too. Every once in awhile I'll see someone talking about how tense & scary the story is, but the tone of the narration is like, "So then this city slicker dumbass makes ANOTHER rookie mistake. Man, even his dog knows he's gonna die out here." 😆
It's interesting that Jack London's To Build A Fire is considered a man v nature conflict, when it is extremely obvious the man is his own worst enemy. Nature has nothing to do with him being an arrogant piece of shit, going "I'm built different," with nothing but a bagged sandwich in -80 weather.
Reposted byAvatar Pookleblinky
Becker's is basically horror flash for me, it's a detailed account of the wheels coming off the healthcare wagon. The body count of this SCOTUS is going to reach foreign land war proportions, and it's all in service to fascism.
Days after the Chevron ruling a corporate healthcare system - which doesn’t pay any taxes despite being a profit-driven business - is now suing Medicare so that they can collect more *tax dollars* w/o having to meet the standards of care set by CMS. Some CMS regulations may be silly but this is bad.
Hackensack Meridian sues HHS secretary in wake of Chevron rulingwww.beckershospitalreview.com Learn about the recent lawsuit filed by Hackensack Meridian Health against HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra challenging his interpretation of Medicare statutes.
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I think everyone who was like "great, now every environmental group ever should sue!" underestimated how swiftly those groups would be dwarfed by the juggernauts who are already collecting billions and billions of dollars from us and want more.
Days after the Chevron ruling a corporate healthcare system - which doesn’t pay any taxes despite being a profit-driven business - is now suing Medicare so that they can collect more *tax dollars* w/o having to meet the standards of care set by CMS. Some CMS regulations may be silly but this is bad.
Hackensack Meridian sues HHS secretary in wake of Chevron rulingwww.beckershospitalreview.com Learn about the recent lawsuit filed by Hackensack Meridian Health against HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra challenging his interpretation of Medicare statutes.
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I like when the very obvious problem is that the husband is cheating and it’s like “guys, please stop focusing on cheating. He’s not cheating. I *know* he’s not. I want advice on how to get him to stop spending every night out of the house and all our money.”
Reposted byAvatar Pookleblinky
there is nothing that people asking the internet for advice hate more than when they try to intentionally misrepresent a situation and the commenters immediately pick up on it anyway
Reposted byAvatar Pookleblinky
Days after the Chevron ruling a corporate healthcare system - which doesn’t pay any taxes despite being a profit-driven business - is now suing Medicare so that they can collect more *tax dollars* w/o having to meet the standards of care set by CMS. Some CMS regulations may be silly but this is bad.
Hackensack Meridian sues HHS secretary in wake of Chevron rulingwww.beckershospitalreview.com Learn about the recent lawsuit filed by Hackensack Meridian Health against HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra challenging his interpretation of Medicare statutes.
It's interesting that Jack London's To Build A Fire is considered a man v nature conflict, when it is extremely obvious the man is his own worst enemy. Nature has nothing to do with him being an arrogant piece of shit, going "I'm built different," with nothing but a bagged sandwich in -80 weather.
It's safe to just assume every allegation against a scientologist is true
Reposted byAvatar Pookleblinky
It took 14 years to destroy Britain. It won’t be repaired in five minutes. It will take years of economic stability to afford the infrastructure repairs needed across a range of public services. While we’re waiting, we need to fight off the right wing. So roll your sleeves up.
Reposted byAvatar Pookleblinky
Worth remembering, for the next five years, that the Tory party rules ASSUME they'll have a large number of sitting MPs. e.g. to automatically start a leadership context only 15% of tory MPs have to put in letters. 15% of 130ish seats is... not a lot.
Reposted byAvatar Pookleblinky
Hey we can laugh at KJK eating absolute shit with her 16 candidates and 5077 votes but to be fair NZs own transphobe party stood 12 candidates and got 2513 votes. They're out there.
Reposted byAvatar Pookleblinky
For real though it sucks that Britain, a damp rock the size of one of my city's medium sized parks, has a legislature with more representatives than the United States. We deserve better.
No but I love when all you beautiful sickos start posting shit like "Bogroubler flips Hambarn upon Gwynyychlyyrah! A huge result!" It's like hanging out with people being poisoned by carbon monoxide. None of those places are real
Fun fact: the whole American mythology about crossroads arises from hoodoo: the Kongo Cosmogram, from the Bakongo religion. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kongo_c...
Kongo cosmogram - Wikipediaen.m.wikipedia.org
There was a famous Black magician named Black Herman, his shows often included a portion where he would be buried alive first and then 3 days later dug up to do his show. When he died, so many people believed it was just part of his act that his assistant started charging them to see his corpse.
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A list of eight cute animal rhymes to say farewell... 8. In a while, crocodile 7. Toodle-oo, kangaroo 6. Ciao for now, Jersey cow 5. Why you still here, white-tailed deer 4. Just piss off, luna moth 3. Go to hell, red gazelle 2. Kiss my hole, woodland vole 1. Off you fuck, crested duck
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Fun fact: those ball pits *were* cleaned. At the bottom of each put was a drain hole. Once a year the pit would be filled with hot soapy water, balls stirred with a mop, and then drained
you guys think they ever cleaned those ball pits at like McDonald's