Brian Keene

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Brian Keene

Bestselling, award-winning writer of horror, fantasy, crime, nonfiction & comics. Scares That Care Board of Directors. HWA Trustee. Former showrunner & podcaster. And now bookseller. Married to Father. Veteran. Cat Dad. He/Him
Thanks Barack Obama for this nice surprise which was waiting for me today when I got home. Keep up the good fight. ✊
Reposted byAvatar Brian Keene
Reposted byAvatar Brian Keene
May need to add to my #TBR. I am currently reading Mr. Keene's 'End of the Road' (also nonfiction), and really enjoying it so far. #books #reading 💙📚
LOVE AND HATE IN THE TIME OF COVID: (Selected Nonfiction, 2015 – 2022) Signed hardcover on sale Sunday August 4th from Shipping the same week.
LOVE AND HATE IN THE TIME OF COVID: (Selected Nonfiction, 2015 – 2022) Signed hardcover on sale Sunday August 4th from Shipping the same week.
During The Horror Show with Brian Keene’s final year, we factually detailed what an absolute tire fire Dark Regions Press was. As usual, many people yelled at us. Dave always took it personally when folks did that. You’re welcome to come to Vortex and apologize to his ashes.
Reposted byAvatar Brian Keene
Avatar This is so cool and close to you guys.
In the forests of Pennsylvania, biologists have managed to catch an incredibly rare bird that’s genetically part male and part female, split down the middle and displaying the vibrantly colored characteristics of both sexes.
Super Rare Half-Male, Half-Female Bird Found In
Reposted byAvatar Brian Keene
I’m not at Necon this weekend but is and he’s clearly either not slept or is drinking at 1:30 in the afternoon or both.
AuthorCon IV, a Scares That Care charity event, comes to St Louis in less than 90 days! If you are an author with a vendor table at the show and would like to be involved in programming with a reading or panel, please fill out this form.
A gentle reminder that 'AuthorCon" is a trademark of Scares That Care, a 501c3 charitable organization. If you're branding your event as '_______ Authorcon' we gently ask that you change that so as not to confuse the public. Thank you for your understanding and compliance.
In today's episode of 'Bluesky Yells At Brian" here are my Top 10 Prince Albums (in order): 1. Purple Rain 2. Around the World In A Day 3. Sign O' the Times 4. 1999 5. Prince and the Revolution Live 7. Diamonds and Pearls 8. The B-Sides 9. Parade 10. Controversy
Reposted byAvatar Brian Keene
Reposted byAvatar Brian Keene
New this week — Blood Hunters issue 4 by Vortex’s very own
Dedication page for the new reprint edition of JACK’S MAGIC BEANS (which is available now wherever books are sold).
My poor cucumbers are on life support due to the heat. The beans ended things in a suicide pact. The peppers are 50/50. The celery is keeping its head low and hanging tough. And the tomatoes give zero fucks about heat and have spread out into the yard, overtaking the brown grass.
Reposted byAvatar Brian Keene
". . .Jabba the Hutt or Grandpa Sawyer from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre mythos. . ." That about sums it up. Another very good newsletter. As for the recent event, I'll only say they're going to milk it for all its worth and then some.
Good morning. I made you coffee, already. And breakfast. And also a spot of tea. So no need to get up. Just stay in bed and read this. It's in your inbox and all the other usual places.
Letters From the Labyrinth Bad Weather
Reposted byAvatar Brian Keene
Sage advice from Brian. Last night my wife took me to The Empire Strips Back Burlesque show. It was dumb fun. For two hours we were able to block out the world. Trump’s shooting, a police chase from Trenton into our neighborhood and blistering heat were all there when we we done.
Good morning. I made you coffee, already. And breakfast. And also a spot of tea. So no need to get up. Just stay in bed and read this. It's in your inbox and all the other usual places.
Letters From the Labyrinth Bad Weather
Good morning. I made you coffee, already. And breakfast. And also a spot of tea. So no need to get up. Just stay in bed and read this. It's in your inbox and all the other usual places.
Letters From the Labyrinth Bad Weather
Reposted byAvatar Brian Keene
Book Signing today, 1 to 3pm, with bestselling crime and horror author Armand Rosamilia, comedy-horror writer Damien Casey, and Central PA's own Joe Ortlieb. We have plenty of their books for purchase. You may also bring books from home to be signed.
Reposted byAvatar Brian Keene
Happy to announce the new annex will be open in time for tomorrow's signing. However, getting it to that stage has WIPED OUT the store's bank account. We're only $1,700 away from goal. If you can donate $5, $10, or $20 today, it'll alleviate my current panic attack.
Vortex Books & Comics Expansion, organized by Brian Thanks to the support of our customers, creatives, and the community, things have been so … Brian Keene needs your support for Vortex Books & Comics Expansion
Happy to announce the new annex will be open in time for tomorrow's signing. However, getting it to that stage has WIPED OUT the store's bank account. We're only $1,700 away from goal. If you can donate $5, $10, or $20 today, it'll alleviate my current panic attack.
Vortex Books & Comics Expansion, organized by Brian Thanks to the support of our customers, creatives, and the community, things have been so … Brian Keene needs your support for Vortex Books & Comics Expansion
Reposted byAvatar Brian Keene
I mean, fuck it, why don’t we just let Grandpa Sawyer run for President too at this point?
Four really EXCELLENT comics that I’ve recently been enjoying — Self Help, Get Fury, Feral, and Grommets. Will review Grommets and Get Fury for Patreon later today.
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Reposted byAvatar Brian Keene
Vortex is expanding. Check it out!
Five and a half months ago, we opened It was a stressful undertaking made easier by knowing that so many of you had our back. Yesterday's announced expansion of Vortex was less stressful for that same reason. Thank you all.
Vortex Books & Comics Expansion, organized by Brian Thanks to the support of our customers, creatives, and the community, things have been so … Brian Keene needs your support for Vortex Books & Comics Expansion
Five and a half months ago, we opened It was a stressful undertaking made easier by knowing that so many of you had our back. Yesterday's announced expansion of Vortex was less stressful for that same reason. Thank you all.
Vortex Books & Comics Expansion, organized by Brian Thanks to the support of our customers, creatives, and the community, things have been so … Brian Keene needs your support for Vortex Books & Comics Expansion
Reposted byAvatar Brian Keene