Max G. Levy

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Max G. Levy

freelance science writer & editor
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Thrilled to share this new project of mine with and Maddie Bender. It's an online mag & newsletter we've named SEQUENCER writer-owned and reader-supported
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A team of science writers has teamed up to launch a new science magazine, called Sequencer. Super stoked for this. The founding group includes,,, and Maddie Bender. 🧪 Learn more (and subscribe!) here: A popular science magazine for the 21st century. Writer-owned, forever.
Bone marrow transplants are hard to come by. The timing has to be right and the transplant has to match the recipient closely. Those tough odds compound for minority groups Blood from a newborn's umbilical cord has shaped up to be solid alternative.
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I also love that noted it was Ernst Mayr who came up with the "if they can bang they are the same species" concept. There's an Ernst Mayr library at Harvard. And every time I was there I'd think "hehe this guy defined species by whether they f***ed" 🧪
Love this explainer on what a species is anyway from (spoiler: We do not know. Taxonomists don't really know, but WOW do they ever get in fights about it). 🧪 And what throws this into confusion? The stuff we can't SEE well....
What Is a Species, Anyway? Some of the best known species on Earth may not be what they seem.
Fascinating profile and story from on gene engineering in utero. Some really mind-blowing possibilities here. Risks too. There's major value, I think, in getting to know researchers are.
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Hi all- who out there is a young science communicator (not scientist) who’s been covering JWST? Might have an interesting opportunity… 🔭🧪
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Applications are open now through March 15 for Scientific American's internship program. Here's a thread with links to the job descriptions. Thanks for applying or passing this info to people who should. Positions are in New York, to work from June-ish through the end of the year, $20/hour 🧵
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Last year, near the end a family vacation in Japan, I decided to go off on my own to look for local stories. I stumbled upon a really cool one in Osaka—the iconic Dotonburi River is hiding an endangered yet familiar species: Japanese eels! So, I wrote the story up for
In Japan, an endangered eel was hiding in plain The discovery in a polluted, touristy river is a shining example of wildlife’s resilience—but also raises concerns about their survival.
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SSRIs often don’t work, and when they do, the mood change takes several weeks to kick in. Neuroscientists told me that it's been a "puzzle" and a "paradox" without satisfying answers. An answer is emerging based on previously unseen physical changes in the brain
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