
Sam Alito lied to congress w/ malicious intent. Like, he wasn't Just trying to hide his actions and involvement, he directly lied about his sincerely held beliefs and likely plans to undermine the very concept of democracy in this country. Would REALLY like it if he faced some consequences for that
Man, consequences for people in power would be great. We should do that at some point.
This is America the land of no consequences for old white dudes.
It's not like lying to Congress under oath is a high crime or misdemeanor or anything. *checks law* ohhhhhhhhhh
I just want someone to ask him, point blank, if he leaked Dobbs, at one of these events. I know he’ll lie. I just think it’s important that he’s asked, publicly and repeatedly, to make it clear that he is a liar.
I don’t even care if he did or didn’t. I just want him to answer either way - he doesn’t get the privilege of acting like he’s above the question at this point.
I can think of no better consequence than expanding the court 😄 let him watch hapless in his robes as the whole decades-long reactionary project to capture the bench is smashed by statute 💅🏻