Dr. Damien P. Williams: Magus, Werewolf, Cyborg, Bi

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Dr. Damien P. Williams: Magus, Werewolf, Cyborg, Bi


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Asst. Professor of Philosophy & Data Science, UNCC
Degrees in Science, Technology, & Society; Philosophy; Religious Studies
Thinking on Algorithms, 'A.I.,' Human Values, Marginalized Lived Experiences, Magic/Occult, Pop Culture
I've been writing postcards here secure.everyaction.com/wWYzSycvi0uy.... They send you postcards for free, but you'll need to buy the stamps. I've also done postcards through Field Team 6: www.fieldteam6.org/postcarding1. With Field Team 6 you'll need to buy the postcards and stamps.
At the series finale again and, once again, just Holy Shit, this show. What they were able to do with the exact same lines and delivery and personalities through a change in filming styles and visual languages, and their attendant expectations… Just Holy FUCKING SHIT. I remain so amazed by this show
Way too many of y'all slept on "Kevin Can Fuck Himself"
At the series finale again and, once again, just Holy Shit, this show. What they were able to do with the exact same lines and delivery and personalities through a change in filming styles and visual languages, and their attendant expectations… Just Holy FUCKING SHIT. I remain so amazed by this show
Way too many of y'all slept on "Kevin Can Fuck Himself"
Here's hoping this Fourth of July is the threshold we all need it to be.
…And so what that means is that we have to Keep Fighting against the harm these people do— whether they do it intentionally or unintentionally— EVEN WHILE we hope and maybe even work toward their change.
…And no, not everyone doing it knows that they're doing it. But being bound up within the systems of white supremacy and other bigotries can very easily lead those who profit from those systems, even unawares, to violently defend those systems. …
…And yes I do believe that people can change their values and behaviour; such a change is ALWAYS possible, right up until the moment someone can't intentionally change anything about themselves ever again. …
"That's my secret, Professor: it's already the end of the month." bsky.app/profile/wolv...
If you don't understand what I mean by "The Worst Time Travel," ask your local ADHD-haver.
All forms of oppression intersect. Mask bans suppress protest, sicken and disable communities, and will most harm vulnerable groups: Black, trans, etc. Chevron ruling means more expensive healthcare. Bills and disability can unhouse you, which means jail to do slave labor. Resist. Do it in an n95.
If you don't understand what I mean by "The Worst Time Travel," ask your local ADHD-haver.
I've previously said that the real world-ender omega level power in the x-men universe would be a kid with ADHD who constantly & unpredictably generates new powers where the trick is the powers only last as long as the novelty does, but I'd also add 1 constant/recurrent power: The Worst Time Travel.
(Also this is a joke about the often-horrific phenomenology of ADHD.)
Legion is CLOSE to this, both in comics and the show, but David's whole deal is that he eventually learns to instinctually control it
I've previously said that the real world-ender omega level power in the x-men universe would be a kid with ADHD who constantly & unpredictably generates new powers where the trick is the powers only last as long as the novelty does, but I'd also add 1 constant/recurrent power: The Worst Time Travel.
Use Signal. You don’t have to use your own phone number now. To respect their privacy do not give it access to your contacts but adding them manually works just fine.
Now is a great time to download and learn how to use Signal.
Now. Knowing that— admitting it and accepting it: Will you stop making excuses for them, stop looking for the "rational" reason? And just do what it takes to make sure that these people and their hateful bigoted values don't succeed?
A lot of people are racist, hateful, bigoted, and these figureheads give them permission to be their worst selves. That's really the long and the short of it.
There are tons of ways to help GOTV in swing states - a friend of ours created this linktree to aggregate many of them. I recommending postcarding or text banking myself.
Looking for a way to save our democracy from home this election season? Postcarding, texting, phone banking - you can do more than just vote! linktr.ee/getup_GOTV2024
@getup_GOTV2024 | Linktreelinktr.ee Linktree. Make your link do more.
Oh a change in values and behaviour is ALWAYS possible, right up until the moment someone can't intentionally change anything about themselves ever again. But that doesn't mean we stop fighting against the harm they do, EVEN WHILE we hope and maybe even work toward their change.
I agree while not giving up hope that they might change. Remember Archie Bunker in the elevator - fic, but hopeful.
Oh a change in values and behaviour is ALWAYS possible, right up until the moment someone can't intentionally change anything about themselves ever again. But that doesn't mean we stop fighting against the harm they do, EVEN WHILE we hope and maybe even work toward their change.
I agree while not giving up hope that they might change. Remember Archie Bunker in the elevator - fic, but hopeful.
6 days and ~$2400 to go on this one
10 days and a little over $5,000 to go on the kickstarter to get @richardkadrey.bsky.social's Kamikaze L'Amour back into print. It's a good book and you want to be able read it. Get in on this: www.kickstarter.com/projects/kam...
KAMIKAZE L'AMOURwww.kickstarter.com Nervous Breakdown Edition
Those aren't mutually exclusive things. Being bound up within the systems of white supremacy and other bigotries can very easily lead those who profit from those systems, even unawares, to violently defend those systems.
A lot of people are racist, hateful, bigoted, and these figureheads give them permission to be their worst selves. That's really the long and the short of it.
Everyone is always afraid to say why people like Trump or Marie Le Pen have some level of popularity and it’s just that there’s a lot of people in the world who believe in racism. You end up with these goofy ass explanations for Trump where it’s NAFTA or shit and it’s like no you know what it is
Now. Knowing that— admitting it and accepting it: Will you stop making excuses for them, stop looking for the "rational" reason? And just do what it takes to make sure that these people and their hateful bigoted values don't succeed?
A lot of people are racist, hateful, bigoted, and these figureheads give them permission to be their worst selves. That's really the long and the short of it.
A lot of people are racist, hateful, bigoted, and these figureheads give them permission to be their worst selves. That's really the long and the short of it.
Everyone is always afraid to say why people like Trump or Marie Le Pen have some level of popularity and it’s just that there’s a lot of people in the world who believe in racism. You end up with these goofy ass explanations for Trump where it’s NAFTA or shit and it’s like no you know what it is
Everyone is always afraid to say why people like Trump or Marie Le Pen have some level of popularity and it’s just that there’s a lot of people in the world who believe in racism. You end up with these goofy ass explanations for Trump where it’s NAFTA or shit and it’s like no you know what it is
Genuinely hilarious that they threw down the "Presidents Are Kings" ruling 3 days before Independence Day.
Here's hoping this Fourth of July is the threshold we all need it to be.
Thinking about spend tomorrow playing Year Zero and Someday This Could All Be Yours, Vol. 1 backwards as loud as possible to see if it'll unwind this centuries-long curse