
What point? The point that the Democratic Party is obligated to run the person Joe Biden hand-selected 4 years ago as his VP as its presidential candidate? That point? I don’t agree!
Harris has a much better case to represent the choice of voters than the delegates. Harris received 81.2M votes from the American people to be Joe Biden’s replacement. Additionally, all of the 2024 Biden primary voters did so understanding Harris was his 2024 VP pick.
So, those voters who voted in the 2024 understood that Harris would replace Biden in the event of an medical emergency for Biden in 2025 (or later in 2024). Harris has, uniquely among Dem alternatives, an actual case to represent the choice of 2024 primary voters
Cool — I am looking forward to her making her case for the next month! She will probably win at the convention! She will be a much stronger candidate if she wins against Newsom and Whitmer than if she is appointed by acclamation.
I don’t think that’s true. I think the more process there is, the more damaged the nominee—whoever is is—will be. The more conversation there is the more fractured the Democratic Party will be.
And, look, if it were the case that I thought that the result of that process was more democratic, I’d say that’s fine. Democracy is messy and sometimes damages candidates. But I actually think it’s *less* democratic!
I think you’re talking about overriding the choice that the primary voters made. So, I think the suggestion of the open convention is a messier process, that damages the eventual nominee, and is *less* democratic
It’s a fucked up situation. Now the task is how to make the best of a bad situation. The primary voters assuredly did not vote for Harris to be the nominee for *president*. There won’t be a candidate with pledged delegates at the convention. The delegates will have to vote.
This is identical to Team Trump insisting he deserves a mulligan for AZ, PA, MI and GA’s electoral votes because he didn’t like the results.
They’re both instances of trying to count votes you don’t have. Simple as.
Please show me all the voters who picked Harris to be the nominee for president.