
The qualities of the candidate often do not fucking matter if the people who really want that candidate to get elected are willing to play hardball, especially if the candidate is an incumbent. Maybe, just this once, we could learn this lesson from the GOP to save ourselves from true horror.
We’ve all watched the GOP drag rapists, criminals, florid wackos, and brain-dead white supremacists to electoral victory over and over again. Perhaps the Democrats can summon up some of that energy to save our democracy and our lives.
The flaw in that logic is most dem voters are too soft hearted. Not the young leftist vocal ones on the internet. The rest of them. If Biden used the same dirty politics Trump and his cohorts use, or the political violence he is threatening to use, he would be abandoned by the dem base.
Have you heard the phrase “Democrats fall in love; Republicans fall in line”? What is being suggested is a bit of spine. Hold the line. YOU help hold the line. All of us hold the line. Stay steadfast and kick the Republicans out like the UK kicked out the Tories. End that party.
This isn’t a Great Man moment, this is a line of peasant pikes or a shield wall. This isn’t dirty tricks, it’s standing with your community to protect them. Hold fast and bring your people with you. That is all.
Actually, this isn’t all. You know how you think the dems are conservative? You are correct. Our system, the way it is currently built will only sustain two parties. Kill off the Republican party. Kick them out. Then there’s room for a different party to rise. It’s happened before. Ask the Whigs