Mal Downie

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Mal Downie

Retired. 14 yrs of the Tories have brought the UK to its knees. #Brexit will always be crap. Owned by a spaniel. #FBPE
Lots of fuss about Ivan Toney's goal yesterday, but why does no one ever address this point... • Defense commits a blatant foul to stop an attack. • The attacking team then have to wait until the defense is ready before they can take the kick. What's that all about?
Reposted byAvatar Mal Downie
Let the will of the people be heard from the people. An unelected PM without a mandate, pushing ahead with a Bill not in any manifesto nor backed by evidence, cannot claim to speak for the nation. Only a General Election will do that.
Suella Braverman, whining about the number of times the #RwandaBill has been before the HoC and that the public are fed up. Damn right pet, we're fed up with the likes of you wasting Parliamentary time and public money when there are real problems to address. e.g.
I've now watched #PMQs and can confirm that this was the worst ever performance by any Prime Minister in my experience. Lies, deflection, non-answers and pathetic personal attacks are all he has. Never a single coherent answer. Completely out of his depth.
Broken Britain.
One of Cameron's early moves on becoming Prime Minister was to shut down the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution and the Sustainable Development Commission. Now Sunak is sabotaging the Climate Change Committee. These Tories don't like scrutiny.
Sunak ‘dodging scrutiny’ by failing to appoint chair of Climate Change No successor has been named for Lord Deben – and now the independent watchdog’s chief executive has resigned
Sunak's constant, infantile harping back to Corbyn, rather than answering simple questions, is nothing short of pathetic.
This morning's gaslighting from the government is that Sunak has halved inflation. What absolute BS. Inflation has fallen because the spiralling fuel prices have fallen out of the calculation. Just like this shower to claim credit while doing nothing at all.
Pathetic, self-pitying vitriol from the worst Home Secretary in living memory. Apparently, none of the repeated failures were her fault. Good riddance. 'Betrayal': Suella Braverman attacks PM after being sacked as home secretary.
'Betrayal': Suella Braverman attacks PM in letter after being sacked as home Former home secretary Suella Braverman lashed out at Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, accusing him of a betrayal and warning he was ‘running out of time’.
Another Brexit bonus. Meanwhile, one of my medicines has been out of stock for two weeks, and I've had to drop to a half dose to make my existing stock last longer. Unsurprisingly, it's not as effective as a full dose.
Why are essential medicines in deep water? - UK in a changing Mark Samuels, Chief Executive of the BGMA, sets out the regulatory challenges facing generic medicine manufacturers since Brexit.
Listening to Mogg on Radio 4's The World Tonight. What an arrogant, condescending, patronising wazzock he is.
Cameron, the man whose ridiculous referendum led to Brexit and the degradation of our standing in the world, is now the man who has to deal with the mess that he helped to create. Oh, the delicious irony.
So Braverman will have more to say, "in due course". Does anyone actually care what this awful woman has to say. Good riddance.
Braverman speaks for the silent majority? Don't think so. #GTTO #GeneralElectionNow
Labour in 24 point lead in latest poll. #ToryFascistsOut
300,000 people turn up to Braverman's "hate march" without a single arrest. The counter-demo of the "protect the Centotaph" faux patriots - fighting with the police and generally shaming themselves, 92 arrests and counting. Modern Britain. Cruella must be delighted.
Pro-Palestinian protest draws 300,000 in London, as police make counter-protest arrests - BBC Thousands are marching from Hyde Park in London - the largest rally since the Israel-Gaza war began.
The faux patriots of the Braverscum Battalion out in force. Without her disgusting interventions, they'd all still be at home nursing hangovers.
Reposted byAvatar Mal Downie
Braverman - the Opposition asset
Good morning. First post on BlueSky and looking forward to meeting lots of like-minded people. #FBPE #GeneralElectionNow #GTTO
End of feed.