James Milner-Smyth

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James Milner-Smyth


All things TV and cinema technology. Husband, Centrist Dad and European. #FBPE #StillEuropean
Twitter was/am @JMilnerSmyth
[email protected]
One of the most abiding villains in film and literature is Harry Lime, who profiteered during a pandemic, selling fake medicine. Now, thanks to the corruption of Boris Johnson's contemptible government, the rich lists are swarming with Harry Limes.
Arco, one of the biggest PPE suppliers in Europe, who have been providing for the NHS for 48 years. They pay their tax, employ 1,600 people who also pay their tax. Nobody hides their money in the Cayman Islands. But they were overlooked in the pandemic for the likes of Mone’s MedPro. Disgraceful!
A BlueSky exclusive: Douglas Barrowman and Michelle Mone own a house in Belgravia through a BVI company. That company should show Barrowman and/or Mone as the beneficial owner. It doesn't. That's a breach of company law - and potentially a criminal offence. www.taxpolicy.org.uk/2023/12/19/o...
Douglas Barrowman unlawfully hid the ownership of another companywww.taxpolicy.org.uk Douglas Barrowman and Michelle Mone appear to own a house in Belgravia through a BVI company. That company should show Barrowman and/or Mone as the beneficial owner. It doesn't. That's a breach of com...
If I want to remember what we can be, how it can feel to live in the country I watch this. Cameron and the Tories took this and all the possibilities we and future generations had away from us. I will never forgive or forget. www.youtube.com/watch?v=4As0...
The Complete London 2012 Opening Ceremony | London 2012 Olympic Gameswww.youtube.com 📲 Subscribe to @olympics: http://oly.ch/Subscribe The best athletes of the world met on 27 July 2012 for the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic G...
In conclusion: Stop saying we send too many people to university, and start saying we’re not creating enough graduate-quality jobs. End of rant. Here’s my column in full (free to read for the first 300 clicks) on.ft.com/3MljMEl
Britain’s graduates are being short-changed while America’s are richon.ft.com [FREE TO READ] University-level skills are in much higher and more lucrative demand in the US than the UK
I'm going to track down as many of you as I can. Please could people repost me, so others can see I am here - and I can find them, and them me. Blue skies, herds of unicorns and sunlit uplands beckon. Oh...and another two Tory candidates bite the dust, I understand 👍👍👍
Someone told me that this app may seem very empty because of this default setting that requires replies to have 2 likes or more before they show up. Indeed! I changed it so that all replies show up, and suddenly the place seems much more lively. I highly recommend changing it in your settings.
I did this too. Makes a huge difference.
Someone told me that this app may seem very empty because of this default setting that requires replies to have 2 likes or more before they show up. Indeed! I changed it so that all replies show up, and suddenly the place seems much more lively. I highly recommend changing it in your settings.
Plan on doing something productive? Don't do that! Look up which words were "born" the same year as you! www.merriam-webster.com/time-traveler
Just got here Thanks to @fascinatorfun.bsky.social for this Need to build up contacts Want to focus more on the systems stuff, and less on the politics. But they are linked!
End of feed.