
How are you all managing the emotional response to mainlining news on Bluesky? I should probably stop as soon as I feel overwhelmingly sad and helpless, but the desire to also be informed is huge.
I prefer to make a list or follow feeds instead of following everyone directly, so I can click on journalists, news, politics etc when I want. Or get a break by ckicking on the feeds like nature, timeline cleanse, cats, etc. Also I use the mute words tool aggressively.
Another way I will turn it down a notch is by switching over to the OnlyPosts feed - that turns off replies and reposts so you're only seeing actual posts by people you follow. Tends to be a bit less dominated by news and hot takes on news.
That makes sense - and I do have that feed. Thank you!
Quiet Posters is a good feed too
Any suggestions? I blocked a lot of those accounts because they were scraping content without permission.
The first few posts on my profile has a some starter packs and the link to the timeline cleanse feed.