Randi Mason

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Randi Mason


Public #librarian in #NYC. Formerly librarian / project mgr in marketing companies and nonprofits. Fan of #comics, #animation, #illustration & #mst3k. She / Her / Herself. Opinions my own. ELSEWHERE: https://linktr.ee/randimason

With love from Brooklyn
Going to try better phrasing so it doesn’t trigger others. Heck with the Inside Out team, Despair is currently driving my brain. Am on Bluesky break until the static and catastrophic thoughts clear. Be well, and take care.
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Looks like the otter pup at Vancouver Marine Mammal Rescue Center will be named Tofino after the town she was found in. www.instagram.com/p/C8vqjhLAIp...
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And I am done with the questionable films I now only have two films I really want to see......
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What are four comics you don’t only like, you draw inspiration from? #Artsky (Calvin and Hobbes and peanuts are also givens, but like, who doesn’t say those?)
What are four comics you don’t only like, you draw inspiration from? 🖼️ #Artsky
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We just came from a signing for @lucyknisley.bsky.social ‘s excellent new book WOE!* So I had to add to the Tiny Cat Sketchbook. ^_^ *WOE is so good and you should go buy it now! www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/634343...
It’s tiny cats all the way down
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It’s important to put things into your brain that aren’t just cable news + doomscrolling (1/3)
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Rereading a comic is a beautiful act of love and also you notice a bunch more stuff. Like, let's get into rereading comics like we rewatch shows :D
i love when people are like “great book! i read it in two hours!” cool that took two years to make and broke my body and mind entirely
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Any guesses on which shorts the Mads are doing based on Carmen Cerra’s poster? #MST3K
Heads up #MSTies! The Mads Are Back: A Night of Shorts 16 W/ q&A Guests Mary Jo Pehl, @billcorbett.bsky.social & Kevin Murphy is happening next Tuesday, July 9, 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM EDT Tickets: dumb-industries.com/events/anigh...
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A job I was looking forward to just fell through because I requested a very basic “please don’t feed my work into the AI garbage chute pls” clause in the contract That was apparently against company policy and non-negotiable If anyone needs a book cover I have an opening in my schedule
wow, standing on principle sure is expensive
Heads up #MSTies! The Mads Are Back: A Night of Shorts 16 W/ q&A Guests Mary Jo Pehl, @billcorbett.bsky.social & Kevin Murphy is happening next Tuesday, July 9, 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM EDT Tickets: dumb-industries.com/events/anigh...
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2am is quite the brain hour, right? It's like I can only have great ideas or a huge existential crisis.
How are you all managing the emotional response to mainlining news on Bluesky? I should probably stop as soon as I feel overwhelmingly sad and helpless, but the desire to also be informed is huge.
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Trenchant @jbouie.bsky.social, no paywall: “If the president is a king, then we are subjects, whose lives and livelihoods are only safe insofar as we don’t incur the wrath of the executive.” Clarifying commentary within a world turned upside down. Happy almost 4th and welcome to our civil monarchy.
Opinion | Mr. President, Your Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card Is Readywww.nytimes.com The Nixonian theory of presidential power is now enshrined as constitutional law.
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This is in Donnelly Idaho as a result of hb 710, which makes libraries financially liable for any complaint of "inappropriateness" Identical legislation is on the floor in Idaho. Book bans used to be quaint, a result of moral panics that ebbed and flowed. Now they're organized. This is the result
This is one of the most dystopian signs I've ever seen. Republicans are quickly turning this country into an unrecognizable freakshow.
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Procrastinating today by drawing our cats
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I have worked extensively with Chance. In addition to being a good artist, he’s a good person. Throw him some clams.
Hey, We Got To This Point: Opening up 10 commission slots, 70 a pop, stuff looks like this, generally, though I’m adaptable to most styles DMs open on here, other ways to contact me.
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🔵 This week's Tom the Dancing Bug comic - A Calvinesque and Hobbesian look at presidential immunity - Brought to you by the Inner Hive, including long-time member Sue H. and new member Hawkeye Mike. - READ IT RIGHT HERE👇
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Allison Blair ftw! I’m hoping he new series will be fun.
One day I'll go on my long rant about how much I love Dazzler and all the little insecurities Claremont baked into her character. For now, shooting from the hip ✨ -
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