
Debate thread, go fuck yourself.
Both candidates old man waddling onto the stage like they've shit their pants.
Biden sounds old as hell, but, critically, he does sound cogent. If this holds up, that's good for him. A very cool thing to be able to say.
Trump hitting the golden oldies with best economy ever, no one ever thought it was possible. Sure. In another cycle, Biden talking about Trump's record tax cuts for the rich and Trump nodding along would be damning, but lmao
Trump talking about tariffs now, saying that they won't cause inflation, but cause foreign countries to pay more to import goods and sell them here. It's a small thing, lost in his meandering.
Trump gets a question on his massive addition to the debt, is just repeating the "best economy ever, no one knew it could happen" line.
Biden's voice is definitely weaker, but notably, Biden isn't just repeating the same lines over and over. I don't know how well Trump's Teddy Ruxpin act works on the median voter, truthfully.
Biden fumbles right at the timer, big fuckup there lmao Trump is talking about Biden wiping out Social Security and Medicare, but I really don't think people are going to believe a Republican is better on those programs.
"Everybody wanted to get it back to the states" from Trump about Roe v. Wade, aggressively taking credit for "killing Roe v. Wade". Hey, man, that is not going to sell.
Trump giving room to "not believe in the exceptions" for rape and incest, a line that is currently gutting Republicans. He's now talking about post-birth abortions. Complete gibberish. Biden, correctly, comes in to melt his ass. Calls Trump's answer "ridiculous".
Trump is leaning HARD on the idea that "every legal scholar" wanted Roe v. Wade undone. Trump is hitting widely hated Republican talking points. Biden responds to a question about limits on abortion saying he believes in Roe v. Wade. Trump claims he's advocating for post-birth abortion.
They're both different shades of completely unlistenable. Biden is sputtering and a generally weak speaker, but what he's saying actually makes sense. Trump is confidently rambling through his stock gibberish.
This is a real competition between someone fumbling through facts and rapid-fire bullshit. I will admit it's hard to parse what the hell Trump is saying. Biden isn't much better, but you can at least pay attention and get it.
Trump gets a question about Ukraine, spends a while continuing to rant about the troops hating Biden and blaming Biden for Russia invading Ukraine. He's not answering the question here.
Biden comes back with a factual correction about Trump's bullshit, mumbles through it. Sounds bad as hell, correct or not.
Trump: "I will have that war settled, between Putin and Zelensky, as President-Elect [...] before I take office." Hey, man, that's a hell of a thing to say. That's very fucking bad! Will not matter to the ear of the median voter, but holy shit.
Biden: Long, vaguely meandering spiel about America's support for Israel. Trump: Immediately starts talking about Ukraine again, talking through three sentences at once. I'm going to have a stroke, man.
This is not a good look. Trump is talking complete bullshit, but visually, he's doing much better. Anyway, on to J6, I'm sure this will be normal.
Trump is now saying he tried to stop J6. I think?
Trump is blaming Biden for putting J6 rioters in jail and accusing him of stealing the 2020 election. Trump says he's going to put Democrats in prison.
Trump goes on a rant, calls Hunter Biden a criminal, calls Joe Biden a criminal, avows his own innocence. Biden perks up and starts going after Biden for his calls for retribution and lies. Trump goes back to complaining about everything being rigged against him. This is a weak look.
This entire debate is Biden mumbling through a question in an ultimately factual way and Trump confidently going off on three tangents at once and talking about how aggrieved and victimized he is. "You did this bad thing." "No I didn't, that's been debunked, everyone says I'm smart." Miserable.
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Questions about second-term challenges. Biden gets a question about the economic status of black Americans. General answer that the trend is upward and work is being done on continued segregation in society. Still a problem, but being worked on. Boring, correct, stuttery, not great for him.
"What do you say to black Americans who are disappointed more hasn't been done?" "I don't blame them for being disappointed." Some stuttering after, but that opener was good. He's really, really lost the sauce. I don't think he's senile, he's just a weak speaker.
Trump comes in with "he's caused the inflation" and a bunch of rambling. The lack of awareness about economics in American society will make that a successful line. Like if you know anything, it's bullshit, but lmao
And of course trump just gets to avoid it when he would easily shoot himself in the foot
big Wayne Manor's Horn Honk Depot energy with this one Eva, 10/10
"If you're gonna steal an election don't be a pussy about it! ...wait-"