
I wonder if the GOP/right in general has become such a ripe ground for pedo infiltration because they've basically turned into a movement of almost complete and total hedonism.
The Christian Right is almost entirely antinomian beliefs now too
Yeah, it's sort of the endkampf of one hand a very radical form of protestantism (nothing stands between you and God) and on the other a subverted and commodified form of protestantism (prosperity doctrine, etc).
I'd argue it's more about power than hedonism. The GOP is all about fetishizing power. Power is, for them, more important than truth, morality, or any other purported goal. And a movement based on "might makes right" is ripe for infiltration by all kinds of predators.
"Might makes right" is a kind of vicious hedonism, predicated on the idea that society has no right to tell you what to do (pay taxes, wear a mask, not fuck children, etc) - and if you need to overpower society to make that happen, well so be it.
I disagree. In hedonism, the end is pleasure. What we see in the GOP is that the end is power, and power is the end that justifies any means. For the GOP, power is not a tool which can be used to achieve pleasure, but it is the goal on its own.
You might be missing the "power to do what" part; the right is suffused with temper tantrums against any form of social opprobrium (from burning sneakers and destroying coffee machines to subverting laws and political structures). Their pleasure is very narrowly defined, but it's all that matters.
Like I don't disagree that they're a Will to Power party... but I would say that so are many parties (leftist ones included). However, their reasons for wanting that power and intentions about how they would use it are radically different.
Specifically, the impunity and exclusivity that comes with being part of The Club.
Not sure its infiltration so much as a driving tenet of their beliefs. Look at all the neo nazis busted with CSAM, former Trump WH appointees, GQP party leaders hooking up with 17 yr old males in hotel rooms with meth.
My understanding is that while no group is inherently pro-pedo, some are just easier to infiltrate. Various churche bodies, cops and the GOP all form walls of protection around their members and then dispense with accountability within those walls. Prime targets for pedos to do their thing.
You'll have to forgive me, I get called pedo several times a week and it annoys me. And the defense to be pointing out yet another "conservative" role model diddling kids is the defenders claiming it was teh gays sneaking in the make them look bad.
I’m not familiar with this particular meme and I’m afraid to google relevant contextual words for fear the google will loop in very concerned government officials
We really need more monkey on this site. I know he is on the other site sometimes.
so is the chimp is making the face one makes when one recognizes and calls out a p—con? I wasn’t sure if the chimp was itself meant to be a representation of a p—con 🤔❓
A user with the name Reg (regression) monkey ( which itself is a joke from the Econ job market rumors forum, highly toxic place) came up with the idea of the gop being all pedos and coin the monkey thought.
speaking as a former Republican they aren’t all pedos though honestly the ones who are still in the party *now* might be 😰
I mean on the one hand, casually accusing someone of being a pedophile is just about the most loathsome thing to do. It’s why on the old site I insta-blocked anyone who said “okay groomer” or the like. But on the other hand, holy geeze there’s lots of pedos in the GOP now
once you find out you see it everywhere. you can't escape pedocon theory's accuracy
Why didnt anything come of that investigation is the question i have
So many of those wierdo right-wing dudes are only angry they aren't the ones doing the child trafficking.
Or are doing it too already and are angry at the competition