Dr. Hilary Rose Dawson

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Dr. Hilary Rose Dawson


It's all about plants in the end
(and truffle diversity | soil carbon)
she/her 🏳️‍🌈 🌾🍄👩🏼‍🔬⛰️🌱
#WomenInSTEM #botany #fungi
PhD from UOregon
Postdoc at the Australian National Uni
Research in 🇦🇺🇺🇸🇳🇴
I'm braced for jet lag, but I underestimated the effects of season-lag. Going from leafy Oregon in a heatwave to middle of winter Australia makes me feel lost–where are all the leaves??
Today's the last day to submit an abstract to #ESAus24! If you study #carbon and #ClimateChange, consider submitting to the symposium I'm co-convening: 'Carbon dynamics from lead to landscape under climate change: life in a warmer, drier world' 🧪🌏
Only 3.4% of eligible US citizens living abroad voted in 2022. That means that 2.7 MILLION of us could vote but didn't! That's roughly the same number of people as registered voters in Oregon, South Carolina, or Alabama. 2/6
Unmapped lake in a spruce and fir forest, 7 years after #wildfire (Horse Creek Complex) --- Burn areas like this one give me hope. Why? Because nature has an amazing ability to recover and burns can be bursting with biodiverse life. 1/4 🧵 🧪🌎🔥 #ClimateOptimism
Usually when we think of post-wildfire areas, like this severe 2017 burn, we picture a barren wasteland for years to come. Actually visiting these sites shows us a very different picture. Look at the vibrancy of this #wildflower meadow! 2/4 🧪🌾🌎🔥
Yesterday I found well over 50 plant species here and many animal species (uncounted because they were moving too fast for #iNaturalist observations). Among the snags and fallen logs were tiny trees, just getting started. 3/4 🧪🌾🌎🔥
Yes, this place changed dramatically when it burned seven years ago and we lost a great deal in that fire complex. But nature is resilient, and that gives me hope. Remember to see the wildflowers that are there today, not just mourn the trees of yesterday. 4/4 🧪🌾🌎🔥
Amazing tool to #ShowYourStripes + visualise generational effects of #ClimateChange from NASA @alexruane.bsky.social @edhawkins.bsky.social Even my great-grandmother experienced some warming, but much less compared to my own predicted experience! 🧪 svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/webapps/clim...
Speak up for biodiversity! The Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument in southern Oregon/northern California has a new draft management plan and we need people to submit substantive comments by July 5. More info: www.cascadesiskiyou.org/resource-man... Please RT! 🧪🌎
One more #WomenInSTEM and #QueerInSTEM doctor, hooded yesterday! #IAmABotanist 🧪🌾🌎
Scientists concerned about #ClimateChange take the bus to their graduation! 🧪🌎
Today in the high Cascades of Oregon (It absolutely was worth the hail we hiked through.)
Heya Blue Sky #PrideInSTEM 🧪🏳️‍🌈! I'm Hilary Rose (she/her), a #botanist interested in how plants interact with the environment, soil, and fungi. I also hunt truffle biodiversity with my sister and her trained dogs. Random fact: I have a library of 500+ readable miniature books. #WomenInSTEM
🧪 #QueerInSTEM Migrating this from the bird site (originally by Felix): Yearly #PrideMonth call out for science *bluesky! Reply with the following information (all optional): - Name and Pronouns - Field - A picture of yourself - Hobbies outside of science - A random Fact about yourself *edited
Wildflowers are blooming at the edge of snowmelt in the high Cascades.
If you study #carbon and #ClimateChange, consider submitting an abstract to the symposium I'm co-convening at #ESAus2024: 'Carbon dynamics from leaf to landscape under climate change: life in a warmer, drier world' Abstracts are due 12 July! 🧪🌾🌏 esa2024.org.au/symposia/
1. Temperature affects the timing and duration of fungal fruiting patterns across major terrestrial biomes doi.org/10.1111/ele.14275 #OpenAccess #mycology #fungi
2. Re-examining the evidence for the mother tree hypothesis – resource sharing among trees via ectomycorrhizal networks in @newphyt.bsky.social doi.org/10.1111/nph.18935 #OpenAccess #mycology #fungi #EMFungi #mycorrhizae
4. Wind and small mammals are complementary fungal dispersers by @anthomycota.bsky.social among others not on Blue Sky. (This paper was of particular interest to the student in the journal club who studies #truffles!) doi.org/10.1002/ecy.4039 #mycology #fungi #dispersal #rodents
5. Predator dispersal influences predator distribution but not prey diversity in pitcher plant microbial metacommunities by @catalicu.bsky.social, @ecoevolab.bsky.social doi.org/10.1002/ecy.3912 #PitcherPlants #Sarracenia #botany #bacteria #protozoa
6. The Temporal Dimension of Plant-Soil Microbe Interactions: Mechanisms Promoting Feedback between Generations in @asn-amnat.bsky.social doi.org/10.1086/715577 #PlantSoilInteractions #SoilEcology #EcologicalTheory
7. Variation in Plant Response to Native and Exotic Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi doi.org/10.1890/02-0413 #mycology #botany #AMFungi #fungi #mycorrhizae
8. Microbial abundance, composition, and function in nectar are shaped by flower visitor identity doi.org/10.1093/femsec/fiaa003 #OpenAccess #pollinators #bacteria #fungi
9. A trait-based framework linking the soil metabolome to plant–soil feedbacks by @benjamindelory.bsky.social and colleagues in @newphyt.bsky.social doi.org/10.1111/nph.19490 #OpenAccess #SoilEcology #traits
Graduation prep: handsewing velvet panels and chevrons onto vintage regalia to match my school colours. #SlowFashion #academia
PhD thesis draft submitted to my committee. One week to go until my defence. Almost done..!
My undergrad only had one major, but a wildly popular class across disciplines was Winter Ecology. This class was taught mostly outside Jan-Mar in Maine with emphasis on hands-on science. It absolutely changed how I experience winter (for the better!).