
We Are Falling Apart   The Right is successfully exploiting fears over rising antisemitism for its reactionary crusade while the Israel-Hamas war is tearing the democratic popular front to pieces.   New Democracy Americana:   🧵1/
We Are Falling The Right is successfully exploiting fears over rising antisemitism for its reactionary crusade while the Israel-Hamas war is tearing the democratic popular front to pieces
We have reached a truly bizarre place in our political discourse when supposedly serious people want us to believe that the party of Trump, QAnon, and “Great Replacement” is the bulwark against antisemitism in America. 2/
Antisemitism is a massive problem in American society – and it has gotten significantly worse since the terrorist Hamas attacks on Israel on October 7. The problem is also not confined to the Right, but pervasive across the political spectrum. And it is a problem on college campuses. 3/
But the political reaction to the urgent problem of rising antisemitism has been overwhelmingly occupied with what has been happening on the Left, and with the college campus, specifically – thereby obscuring the much more significant and more dangerous antisemitism on the Right. 4/
In the United States, Republicans are undoubtedly more supportive of the state of Israel than the Left, certainly than the Democratic base. Crucially, however, that does not necessarily entail affirmation and support for American Jews. In fact, it often means the opposite. 5/
A distinguishing feature of rightwing antisemitism is its centrality to the white Christian ethno-religious political project. On the Religious Right, Christian Zionism is fueling the support for Israel – and an end-times theology that desires a world in which Jews are eliminated. 6/
The reactionary political project is beholden to a white Christian nationalism that is fundamentally opposed to multireligious, multiracial pluralism. Rightwingers like the idea of a nation with a clearly defined ethno-religious identity, which they see in Israel. 7/
But here is the catch: In this worldview, Israel is necessarily where the Jews belong. In “real” (read: white Christian) America, on the other hand, Jews can only be conceptualized as outsiders. Their right to be here is always conditional. 8/
The conflation of antisemitism and antizionism makes it very easy for them to get away with it.
That’s because they already KNOW that the State doesn’t represent the People
Eh. No. I think you frame this wrong. Some people receive questions more flat and only care how it was responded to.