
Correct, if the intent to destroy a people is there, it doesn't stop being genocide if there's a war over it. But without that intent then simply destroying things and killing people is not genocide. You insult real genocide victims by lying about it in order to hurt the nationality you want gone.
What are your thoughts on concentration camps?
WSJ: In official Israeli discussions of Gaza "day after," idea of civilian "islands" or "bubbles" – camps in which Israel would concentrate Gazan noncombatants (🖼️ 1) – reportedly gaining currency: It's called "population control" (🖼️ 2, 3, 4):
Those are not concentration camps, they are to get the civilians out of the way so they can prosecute the war. You can't have it both ways, decry the civilians getting killed and decry attempts to get them out of the way.
You mean like Israel said Rafah was a "safe place" for Palestinians to take refuge?
Out of all the things your faction doesn't understand about how war works, not understanding the concept that wars have fronts that move as one side or the other gains control of the territory is the weirdest. Of course the front moves. That's why it sucks they weren't allowed to leave the country.
My lord, you guys soooo love to have it both ways. Genocide if you don't move the civilians and they get hit. A war crime and concentration camps if you try to get the civilians out of the way so they don't get hit. My lord, at least try to make sense.
They've been doing this since the start of the war. "You can't fight in that area, civilians live there, so if Hamas fires from there, too bad!" and then also too "You can't evacuate civilians from there to make it okay to hit Hamas! That's OBVIOUSLY a dirty Israeli trick to steal their houses!"
Imagine hating a protected class so much you accuse them of creating concentration camps when they tried to offer people food.
You really do believe whatever Israeli propaganda tells you to believe, don't you? You know, Israel isn't the Jewish people. Criticizing Israel's bad actions isn't antisemitic because, again, the nation is Israel isn't the Jewish people.
AnTi-ZiOnIsM iSnT aaNtIsEmItIsM
Dude, if you're going to recite clichés and indulge in ridiculous motte-and-bailey arguments, you're going to invite reactions. Welcome to social media.
Changing the subject again. I believe facts, you are spouting Iranian propaganda (per WaPo). You are not criticizing Israel, I do that plenty, you are making specific charges and are supporting antisemites. Have you seen the news? This shit don't fly, and shows you are looking for the escape hatch.