the legend in his own mind

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the legend in his own mind

old guy, business lawyer, they say I'm a communist because I'm left handed, that's the hand to use, well, never mind. Just lost in the space-time continuum.
Biden called into Morning Joe this morning and was really hunting for bear. He was a bit repetitive but we saw Dark Brandon. He's not going away willingly.
Biden is gonna do an interview with ABC this week. Good. He needs to get out there and do a couple of these. Even though most ppl won't pay attention, he has to silence the noise. Then do one for 60 Minutes or something. He does well fine it goes away. He bombs, Harris is the only choice.
Biden needs to do a full hour on 60 Minutes ASAP to get rid of the replacement BS and wipe the stench of the debate away. Even if he's washed, we still need to vote for him because there is no return from Trump II
My old explanation for dems is still my actual (after I deleted my Twitter acct, I write it again) Dems are a huge tent, a diversity of gender, faith, skin color, sexual orientation etc. Difficult to unite. Therefore they need a clear majority GQP is simple to unite, racism and hate. Sadly
As someone who was lukewarm at best on expanding the court, I have changed my mind. Between Chevron and the Immunity case, this court is clearly too corrupt to be left to its own devices.
They replace Biden they are committing political suicide. They do it with anyone but Harris they destroy the party as a viable entity.
AnTi-ZiOnIsM iSnT aaNtIsEmItIsM
Anyone that forces Joe Biden out will be seen as a Carpet Bagger and will have no hope of winning There have been idiots whispering about forcing Biden out for months. Too damn cowardly to run in the primaries, but willing to stab him in the back
So, I saw on the bird that Briahna Joy Gray bought a parody story that Israelis were and have successfully trained dogs to rape Palestinian prisoners. Nothing to say here but some people just need to have at least some contact with reality.
The Decemberists have a new album out! Yay! They were on TV this morning and sounded as good as they always do.
Thanks for Reggie Jackson for saying this, and contempt and defiance, in advance, to the worthless shitbirds who will say he shouldn’t have and that he oughta leave if he doesn’t like it. Regrettably those worthless shitbirds are now fairly mainstream.
MLB at Rickwood Field: Reggie Jackson recalls racist treatment in Alabama in stunning For three minutes, Mr. October laid out in stunning detail what it was like to be a Black player in Alabama in 1967.
The problem is "Western society" is just the society that the White Man built as it appropriated Jewish heritage and tried to spread a perversion of that heritage around the world.
It's amazing how seldom I see journalists connect the dots: Zionism is an ideology of antisemites. They want them gone, out of western society. Zionism is the pathway to that. They have contempt for Jews who are a part of western society. It's in their rhetoric towards non-zionist Jews.
Wild horses couldn't drag me away. Assateague. He went after us.
Saw that Hope Hicks is gonna testify against the orange orangutan in the Stormy case. She was his lead advisor at the time. He is soooo fucked.
Was speaking to my older son earlier. An immigration lawyer. Had a client here on an asylum petition. Once they check in and fill out the paperwork and are let in, they are supposed to be left alone unless they do something wrong. Showed up for a hearing on the petition last week/1
Well, the good thing out of today is the abortion pill case is toast. Even Thomas seemed to be against it, though he was trying to sell a new case under the Comstock Act. Only Alito really fought and even he folded at the end. The rest were kind of "why are we here"
looks like bending over backwards to appear nonpartisan, appointing republican hacks to key jobs, and methodically "pressuring-testing" everything they did to demonstrate impartiality, had literally no effect whatsoever. who could have anticipated this?
Republicans threaten to hold Attorney General Garland in contempt over Biden documents House Republicans are threatening to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress if he does not turn over unredacted materials related to the special counsel probe into President Joe...
All the people complaining about Poor Things just need to watch The Fifth Element for a refresher on what exactly this satire is doing.
Men were scared when we got the vote, imagine how freaked they will be when we take our body out of their hands…
STATES: We want to keep insurrectionists from becoming president. "Too bad. It's a federal thing." TEXAS: We want to have our own immigration laws that override federal law. "Sure, no problem."
So Quinnipiac is doing swing-state polls that among other things ask people both about the state of the economy and their personal finances. Here's Michigan, but you see the same disconnect elsewhere 1/