
Looks like Biden's campaign is taking the "weather the storm" approach, hoping the media coverage dies down and he can stay without it ever being conclusively litigated. Terrible plan! First, that won't improve his polls.....
Second, it's just a matter of time before Biden faceplants or fritzes out again in some dramatic way. Then the cycle starts back up, more voters drift away, and the infighting continues. But they've lost all that time to get the Harris campaign up and running.
The Harris campaign? With who as VP?
Wow, you are grasping at tiny, spindly straws. She could pull a name out of a hat and it would be fine.
That would assume Biden drops his candidacy but remains as President no? If he drops his candidacy, shouldn’t he also resign (if he’s that incompetent)? And I’m honestly curious as to the Harris campaign mechanism that gets this all set up, campaigns, and wins in under 4 months.
No he should not resign. There is a difference between declining to seek a new term & completing this one. Plus, if he did, Harris’s new VP wld have to be confirmed in Speaker Johnson’s House. Nightmare scenario.
Exactly my point. But if he’s so incompetent to run, why leave him in office? It’s not so clear his advisors are any good given this fallout.
You don’t have to be incompetent to decline the nom, you can just decide that you don’t have the next 4 years in you.
I have no idea what that link is lol. Eating & typing at same time not smart.
Just trying to understand the argument for him to leave the race. It’s because he can’t win? Or he can’t lead for 4 more years? Assuming the risk of upending the campaign 4 mos out is worth it, my question was what apparatus does Harris have to get a victory.