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Unfortunaely for my own commentary, I haven't seen West Wing, except some bits of the last episode. Vague impression is: bipartisanship, everyone cooperates, that sort of thing. Based on other commentary. And weirdly, a businesses/self help/very simplified personality thing captures it well.
I think Dems are dealing with chaos of our own making right now and among other things, I blame the West Wing for brain poisoning an entire generation of political operatives.
Its not just politics, some personal interest internet I'm on has gotten more pointlessly negative (Vitamix reddit has had a lot of probably nonsense criticism, for example.) Seems to leak over into politics. Lots of unlikeable/trollish types who like cutting down others. Do the same in..........
Fuck it, I'll take the cat pictures. If you go back to 2016, I'd do things like read planetary science journal articles for fun (new Horizons hitting Pluto was great), or blogs like Tetrapod Zoology, or useful technical or economics work thatcould be beneficial in some way. Then politics........
Thanks for letting me use this platform essentially as a finsta for pics of my cat
Been watching metra (commuter rail in Chicago) cab ride videos a lot recently. Watching trains go on rails may or may not be your thing, so I'll post a couple highlights here. Metra Electric line (southernmost route) has a couple branches, South Shore and Blue... www.youtube.com/watch?v=K378...
{HD} Metra electric district Blue Island to Chicago Millenium Station cab ride- FWVwww.youtube.com Today we are riding Metra train 8520 from Blue Island station to Millenium station with an amazing front view of the window.
Its angering and weird how many purported supporters of Democrats went right wing over the past few years. Gone from opposing the wall, Muslim ban, protesting police in 2020, etc. to antiimmigrant, anti-palestinian, aggressively pro police, plus resistant to better health care when it comes up...
Self Reminder: Write about Daily Kos, Internet feminist sites on here.
Oat noodles: Ratio of 1 cup oat flour to 1.5-2 eggs, add approximately a teaspoon of xantham gum per cup (maybe? I haven't nailed down an exact number, might not even be needed) of oats. Make into a dough, if dough is soft add eggs or water, cook like other noodles. They'll taste like oats,.....
Even more relevant after the debate, and the Bowman and Bush primaries going. And the argument about replacing Biden, with either a slow thinking old guy or a politicians with the most abusive group of supports in dem politics for the past four years. Could no question have better health care,....
Replacing Biden: There are two general categories of people who are worth picking. -Midwestern governors (Pritzker, Whitmer, Walz, Evers) -The left (Warren, Pressley, Ocasio Cortez, etc., though not Sanders since he is as old as Biden) What you want in a president is competence, good policy......
An article after 2016 (www.theatlantic.com/magazine/arc...) argued that people picked Trump to place a low quality white guy as high as a high quality black guy. A power move, basically. Moderates are doing the same thing, it seems like. Pick corrupt politicians (like Cuellar) do Palestine.....
The First White Presidentwww.theatlantic.com The foundation of Donald Trump’s presidency is the negation of Barack Obama’s legacy.
Been using two separate browsers for different internet jobs, finding it makes a great way to avoid overusing some sites.
Partial Historians: partialhistorians.com/episodes/ Fun podcast. Have I posted this before? Not sure. Mostly trying to get something up every day outside of politics commentary. Not to avoid the politics, but to point to cool and interesting things happening when it gets fixed.
Episodes - The Partial Historianspartialhistorians.com Learn about ancient Roman history! Dr Radness and Dr G are two wry academics who bring their love of the past to life for your listening pleasure.
Fun fact: Rashida Tlaib, supposedly the "crazy" one, has more bills to her name then basically every AIPAC dem primary person in Congress. Use this talking point against Khive if you see them wandering the internet. A person could argue that bills are a messy measure if effectiveness, Khive are
For personal news: exercised by walking with water bottles in a bag recently. Is good work, but week has been hot so I won't be able to do as much.
Doing some Bowman tomorrow. Everyone reading this: still phone banks and canvassing Monday and Tuesday, do whatever you can. (Burnt out and tired of politics, but also have to stick up to problem people, keep them from winning.)
Yeah, this is about right. Since 2020 lots of democrats just letting out a seething hate of progressives (and arguably competent people, like the congestion pricing thing or Garland.) Same deal in Britain and Labor. Democratic officials are another social group angry they are challenged or...
After another cycle of reading too much Twitter, have blocksited it. Apart from one device that I don't use much, so it will be easier to control. However, I go through cycles like this a lot, andget pulled into it again and again. Biggest problem is, in politics and some other areas....
Learned to make no churn ice cream recently.....man oh man do I wish I'd known about this before. (Whip some cream + condensed milk + flavors....very easy. Though think I messed it up a few years ago somehow and didn't try again for awhile.)
I've noticed in the past that spending too much time on social media or internet comment sections gets me sad and angry, but never been as obvious as these days with Twitter. Immediate, noticeable drop. The politics and personality of the sort of people on these places blend together.
Pocket Hummus Sandwich: -Good pitas bread (with good pocket) -Meat (Chicken or Tilapia I use) -Letuce -Tomato olives -Feta -Vinagrette or equivalent Put these in the pita in the order described...tastes really good. Like a Hummus/schwarma meal + Greek salad in one as my mom put it.
Just got a new laptop and.....not setting up twitter on it. just too much of a mess. Nit logging in, not visiting it whatever. Makes a easy way to cut down scrolling. Big improvement for mood/mental health.
The different responses on here and on Twitter are....something. shows the difference between the sites.
Bad News: I’ve been laid off from mmfa, along with a dozen colleagues. There’s a reason far-right billionaires attack Media Matters with armies of lawyers: They know how effective our work is, and it terrifies them (him).
Bit of controversy from the other social media site. Denise Oliver Velez. @deniseoliver-velez.bsky.social on here, Deoliver47 on twitter. Loves to get into fights with other people. Also on the site @dailykos.bsky.social. Loves to go on rants, and fight over all sorts of stuff. She'll tell
Another reply made the Fascism "enemy is all powerful and weak" connection. Basically, all modern political problems in the U.S. come from: -90-99% of the time, The left and the competent better understand the situation, how to deal with it most effectively. -Many people refuse to accept this
Some people really need to make up their minds: either students are all coddled snowflakes who hide from reality in their safe spaces or they’re dangerous manipulated automatons who should be dealt with by militarized police in riot gear.
Every accusation is a confession, centrists this time. Its Israel this time, but look back at other commentary, and pundits clearly respond to and copy each other. Certain issues become basically a symbol for "I am in the elite". Identity politics, here"establishment", roughly, is the identity.
Just published this: symmetryandchanges.substack.com/p/how-magic-... Its a somewhat edited version of a fun post some other guy wrote, but it actually has some use for me. Its clearly not a rigorously tested thing, but I kind of like that. Lots of personality color 4 type whatever systems...
Modified Caesar dressing to use less oil: Tomatillos, Olive oil in a 3-1 volume ratio (approximate) Sweetener (I use stevia, but sugars should work). Anchovy paste My most recent mix was 6 larger tomatillos, oil in the 3-1 ratio, about 2-3 oz parmesan, have a tube of anchovy paste.
Got my second follower who quoted and liked some posts. reread those posts.... ---Man my writing could use some work.
My friends refer to it as the Xitter.