
An under-noticed aspect of Project 2025: criminalizing porn.
TikTok - Make Your
And, their definition of "porn" includes acknowledging the existence of trans people.
First they came for the transsexuals And I did not speak out Because I was not happy with Joe Biden's debate performance Pastor Martin Niemöller, 2024
GRS for minors has never been in the general care standards. Only in rare emergency cases. That still falls under restriction, and restrictions can be waived on a case by case basis. This is nothing new, not even in the trans community.
the administration was baited into making a statement they didnt need to make that helps transphobes in their framing that “trans activists” want kids to have surgeries
To be fair, I do want kids to have surgeries. I think the idea that this is horrible "grooming" is ridiculous. We don't see a problem with children getting tonsillectomies. Or doing GRS on intersex newborns, or giving teenage girls boob jobs.
oh yes, and i agree im not pushing for all trans kids to immediately get surgeries. idk anybody arguing for that i dont agree that there should be hard age limits put on medical standards of care, bc standards should be flexible to meet patient needs and circumstances
now that doesnt mean individual surgeons or medical organizations wont have hard age limits as a rule. this makes sense from a purely legal liability standpoint. Standards of care are different tho
we have “Gillick competence” in the UK where kids judged to have capacity to make decisions about their medical care are empowered to do so. NTS the right wing is using cruelty to the gender non-conforming - which they are stoking - as a Trojan Horse for reproductive rights in general. It’s a mess.
Teenagers in the US in certain conditions can actually file in court for “emancipation” from adult guardianship if their present situation is highly detrimental and they prove a level of mental maturity. They are at that point considered adults capable of most adult decisions (like contract law).
I think that I should immediately get surgery because I don't want to wait until August to even get started.
yeah the current waits are atrocious they are mostly borne of gatekeeping and transphobia, not actual concern for the patient’s wellbeing