
Disability Pride Month Fund Friday. Drop your funds + links if you need a boost: - Mutual Aid - Abortion - Transition - Medical Bills - Moving - Access Needs - Whatever you need Please make sure you add alt text and make your skeets as accessible as possible. Beware of bots and scammers.
Still behind in rent due the other day and childcare is still past due (has to be paid by August 1st or they'll remove my kids for the upcoming school year) $danirockasota V: djamiempls
Hate going this route, but I'm panicking over this childcare bill. If I lose it, I'll either lose my job or have to quit my job and SW doesn't pay enough for me to survive. (Yes those are my kids in the pic, and the only time you'll see them here). 💕💸
Childcare Expenses, organized by Dani I'm Dani, a single mom, who has fallen behind massively on childcare payments. I don't qualify for chi… Dani Hofstad needs your support for Childcare Expenses