The One True Dave™

The One True Dave™

Bringing a spoon to a spork fight since 2023.
Please enjoy with me the symmetry of this solution. Wordle 1,049 4/6 ⬜⬜🟨⬜⬜ ⬜🟨⬜🟨⬜ ⬜🟨🟨🟨⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Your Free Advice: "One must beware of anyone who is stupid and diligent—he must not be entrusted with any responsibility because he will always cause only mischief."
Happy Walpurgis Natt to all who celebrate. Act accordingly.
So, it's World Poetry Day™ today. Let me know if you happen to run into a girl from Nantucket; I've got a couple questions to ask her.
Oh, look, it's "Alien Abduction Day." Probably a good day to make sure you're wearing clean underwear, just in case.
Well, today is "WHAT IF CATS AND DOGS HAD OPPOSABLE THUMBS DAY." I suppose first of all they'd be able to more effectively hitchhike...
I think we should move Leap Day to, say, July or August because I'd much rather have an extra day of summer than an extra day of winter...
Remember to set your calendar back one day today...
I don't know who needs to hear this, but "Gesundheit." Carry on...
I enjoy giving ridiculously accurate times for when I plan on doing things. Them: When would you like to leave? Me: Oh, right around 4:28:14...
Should a box of valentine chocolates contain "Steel-Spring Surprise" and "Anthrax Ripple"?
"Everybody dies frustrated and sad and that is beautiful."
It's "Working Naked Day" for all who celebrate...
"If Candlemas is bright and clear, There’ll be two winters in the year; If Candlemas brings snow and rain, Old winter shall not come again." ... Or, you can refer to your local Groundhog...
So, do they do the "spring ahead/fall back" on the #DoomsdayClock?
Happy "Squirrel Appreciation Day" for all who celebrate. Act accordingly.
So, the internet tells me that today is "Nothing Day." Which, in a backhanded kinda way must mean it's Mary Richards Day. Because it is claimed that she can take a Nothing Day and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile. Go ahead. Toss your hat in the air...
I was writing a song recently and had a feeling that I was perhaps stealing a line + melody from someone. It nagged at me for, like, a month until I realized it was from a song I wrote about 20 years ago. So, I went ahead and used it. Again. I'll sue myself later...
Maybe 2024 is the year I try karaoke... Or not.
The self-inflicted after-effects of NYE are the same ones people use to argue that turning your clocks forward/backward twice a year cause all sorts of untold havoc to society. "OMG, I missed an hour of sleep and now I just can't fathom how I'm going to get through the next six months!"
Godt Nytt År and/or Happy New Year!
17 hours into 2024 and no catastrophic issues. Yet.
May this annus be less horribilis than the last.
And now begins the process of losing the 20 pounds I've gained since Hallowe'en. My plan: Reinstate a low-carb diet and smaller portions. I expect it will take a month to lose what it took two months to add. Wish me luck.
We are all too aware of the Great Mayan Calendar Failure of 2012. However, I'm absolutely convinced that the world will end tomorrow at the end of the Gregorian Calendar...
Please employ this word whenever possible.
The batteries in my 40+ year old Hewlett-Packard 41CX finally went dead. I've had it since sophomore year in college. I use this every work day, and this is only the third time I've had to replace the batteries...
Good start to the day: Wordle 921 3/6 🟨🟨⬜🟨⬜ 🟨⬜🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
So, it's actually also "National Whiner's Day." Feel free to act accordingly but, PLEASE, just keep it to yourself. Nobody else really wants to hear it. Thanks.