D. M. Beucler

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D. M. Beucler


Author of Memory and Magic, out fall of 2025 from Luna Press
Expert Onion.
Cat herder.
2 kids, 3 cats, infinite chaos.
#VP21 #Codex
Knit 2, Purl 1, Sow kind chaos.
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Things I've been asked about: 1. No, that BS floating around about reporting Heritage to the IRS is nonsense. It's a waste of your time. 2. The push is to get bird flu vaccines to frontline farmworkers. That's the ballgame.
It makes me so deeply uncomfortable to throw out food. 18 eggs, an unopened yogurt, meats... but also not getting food poisoning from a fridge that didn't stay at a safe temp is the goal. But it still feels terrible.
We has power!!!!!! 27 hours without... much empathy to Texas and anywhere else that has been without in this sticky hot weather. Next step is tossing everything from my fridge.
We officially hit 24 hours without power and no idea about resoration. I mean its limited the doom scrolling but not the doom.
Still no power and no estimate on getting it back. We decamped to a friends house for the time being to charge things.
We came home from our family reunion to no power, and the 6 pm resoration has been passed already. Fun times.
Laundress saves the kingdom by bleeding.
Explain your book/WIP in one sentence badly. Old punk rocker knocks 'em dead at command performance in small town.
I made a tactical error in the garden by planting pole beans instead of bush beans and now they may be taking over everything despite a hasty trellis relocation.
Just a PSA for all the post menopausal people with uteruses. If you bleed any amount after menopause, get it checked out. Even if it is pinprick dots, bleeding after menopause can be a sign of uterine cancer and the faster you find it the easier and less invasive treatment is.
30 years ago I had ADHD (still do thanks). I got kicked out of gifted classes because I couldn't remember to do my homework, but I didn't get diagnosed until I was 16 (& they talked me out of meds) because instead of being loud I just read books ALL the time. I'm glad not to be in the past anymore
Everytime I need to do PT Shyla decides to nap.
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Welp, I just lost all my emotional support tabs... I guess this is a fresh start....
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There's nothing wrong with feeling good about hitting a massive word count in a short period of time, and bragging about it because you're pumped. Good for you! But if you see someone doing this and feel bad about your own process, don't. Word count isn't the measure of worth.
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I have been accepted to Viable Paradise! I am very grateful for this opportunity but will need financial help from the community in order to afford to go. If you are able, please consider donating to my GoFundMe campaign, and either way, please help spread the word. Thank you! gofund.me/68018579
Help send Su J to Viable Paradise!, organized by Su J Sokolgofund.me Hi! For those who don't know me, my name Su J Sokol and I'm a writer of speculative and … Su J Sokol needs your support for Help send Su J to Viable Paradise!
This summer has had so much chaos that I only now finished writing out the summer events on the dry erase calendar. The kids spent all of June looking at last year's schedule.
Of all the things that we've done with this house, getting the garden and rain barrel set up going this year is making me enormously happy. Next year I need to tackle my overgrown flower beds... they are really bad. But it have itsy cucumbers and a mass of skinny green beans right now.
Someone needs to inform Shyla Floofupants that its not a great plan for her to sleep right where I put my feet down when I get out of bed. There was almost a squashed cat and a very clawed foot this 4 am.
I went to bed early.... but the storm did not make the explosions stop. I can't wait for thos holiday to be over.
We have storms predicted at 10ish, which is why every single one of my neighbors seem to be shooting off fireworks right now. Gah. Hopefully it will rain & things will be quieter. Except my poor rain barrels are already full! Who knew 110 gal wouldn't be enough storage after like 3 weeks of no rain.
Welp, when heat, stress, and the remains of whatever I caught Monday bring migraines, having a husband who just covers tje kid care, plus the extra kid who came over, and dinner without asking kinda rocks.
I came, I saw, I shepherded a herd of kids through the parade route. Now I will fall over with a cold drink and a shower and not move until next week... except I have commitments tomorrow morning, and next week, and an event and... flop.
I know I'm feeling better because I was able to get out and water the garden today. I can tell I was not yesterday because the idea of watering the garden didn't even occur to me. My poor plants... but we have another tomato and some baby green beans.
July is starting with a bang, right now I have peak torch singer voice about an octave and half lower then normal. Yesterday was chills and no fun times so hopefully we are almost done.
Ah the week of people exploding all their shit is upon us. Fun times.
And today is the women's gymnastics trials and ooof it has been rough. Three gymnasts have been injured so far between this meet and podium training and my heart goes out to them. I really wanted to see Skye Blakely on the team. And DiCello, so close I feel so bad for all of them.
Welp my child lost their brand new prescription frames today. One torn up room later and we found them blending in on the windowsill, but that was a huge chunk of my life that flashed before my eyes.
I really can't with the world right now... but Wayne Family Adventures restarted... so I am going to my happy comic place for a bit.
"Mom where is my Pokémon card box?" "Have you looked in your room?" "Yes it's not there..." frantic searching theought the house. Five minutes later. "OH! There it is! It's in my room." No wonder my default look is frazzled.