Dave Morton

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Dave Morton


Quite the fancier of podcasts, chemistry & science history. Favourite element: Ta. Previously award winning brewer. Also home brewer. Outsider in Cumbria.
Hottest day of the week today with a pavement cracking 20°C forecast on the Cumbrian Riviera. Luckily I have another day on the road, so will escape most of it #PhewWhatAScorcher
My rye Saison (pale, rye, wheat, Caragold, crystal 150, amber malts) is designed to not be as dry as my normal beers & it's not. The light use of Northdown hops was supposed to keep well clear of citrus flavours. It tastes a bit like Jaffa Cakes. I mean, weird Jaffa Cakes, but still Jaffa Cakes.
Workington beach looking serene this arvo
Been out to a friend's to share their holiday beer. There are some breweries that can't put a foot wrong in my book.& Fyne are one of them. The imperial stout was particularly good, not too sweet yet full bodied, alcohol warmth but not burn, intense but not overwhelming.
My first bretted beer is being brewed today. Basically a pale ale, made with Galaxy hops that'll have some bottled while the rest goes into a secondary fermenter with this stuff added. I'll try to forget about it for a while then.
Just finished my shift as dad taxi. Barely seems worth having a beer now. But I will.
I've binged all this season of The Infinite Monkey Cage in just over one day by driving to Durham, Washington & back yesterday & Penrith today. Made the drive fly by.
My last bottle of NZ Brut IPA opened tonight. It's over 3 months old & has lost a few of the more volatile compounds that give it freshness, but it's still a cracking beer that I'll make again.
An England football win coupled with new episodes of The Infinite Monkey Cage & a long drive today - this week keeps on giving.
New socks yesterday. Parcel from the Malt Miller today (with Brett yeast). This week isn't going so badly.
Looking forward to Denzel Dumfries & George Galloway's podcast after this tournament
New socks yesterday. Parcel from the Malt Miller today (with Brett yeast). This week isn't going so badly.
Patting myself on the back for remembering to put a bottle of beer in the fridge for after work.
Was looking for noctilucent clouds & just happened to see the thinnest crescent moon just above the horizon!
I don't buy BroDog beer, but when a neighbour says he's been given some, but doesn't like it - I'll gladly take it & drink it.
My first taster of my rye Saison made with rye, amber, Caragold, crystal 150, wheat & pale ale malt. Thought I'd make a Saison that wasn't as dry as possible for a change.
Only a few bottles of brut Hefeweizen with bergamot left. Evening all!
Just caught the sun before it sank below the rooftops. Hyperbole Brewery (homebrew) Black IPA. If only I'd had a beer like this at the weekend!
Oh my word this is amazing! A gift from my weekend in Glasgow. I didn't know what to expect from the label, but it's a funky, acidic, tart & super dry pale beer. This is the best beer I've had in ages.
Just bottled 10 litres of rye Saison. Tastes sweet at this stage - crystal, amber & caragold have helped that - with a gentle rye flavour & the Northdown hops are not out of place.
My state of the art wort chiller in action right now
While I was in Glasgow yesterday we went into this place & all had the most amazing food www.bombaywalla.co.uk
Bombaywalla – Indian Street Kitchenwww.bombaywalla.co.uk
We've called it a night after 9 pubs in Glasgow. Never have I had to take so many pints back to the bar. All swapped cheerfully after explaining that the beer was oxidised, but in one pub 3 beers were like that. I've not had an outstanding beer all day, but plenty of decent beer