
A publication that covers the nuts and bolts of political change:
Yuki Haba
Yuki Haba
Postdoc at Harvard/Princeton interested in Evolution, Genetics, Behavior, Mosquito

PhD Princeton EEB (w/ Lindy McBride), MA Columbia E3B (w/ Dustin Rubenstein), UG UTokyo
J.J. Emerson 艾偉傑 🖥️🧬
J.J. Emerson 艾偉傑 🖥️🧬
Evolutionary geneticist at UCI. JJ_Emerson on
Jeremy M. Brown
Jeremy M. Brown
Professor of Evolutionary Biology at Louisiana State University

Phylogenomics, Molecular Evolution, Evolutionary History, Statistics, Computational Biology

Indiana and Texas Alum
Mark Hibbins
Mark Hibbins
postdoc @eebtoronto | PhD @iu_eeb | phylogenomics, genome evolution | EIC at Frontiers in Posting | he / him |
Terry McGlynn
Terry McGlynn
Ecologist, entomologist, writer, professor at CSU Dominguez Hills on sabbatical, the Small Pond Science guy, now the guy.
Andrew Connolly
Andrew Connolly
Wildlife Biologist, herpetologist, educator,

Masters in Biology student at Miami U Project Dragonfly
Greg Priest
Greg Priest
History & philosophy of science: biology, complexity, diagramming. Philosophy of history.

PhD candidate (ABD) Stanford.

Curates these BlueSky feeds:

History and Philosophy of Biology
Complexity Science
Philosophy of History and Historiography
Matt Bracken
Matt Bracken
Marine biodiversity - - he/him/his
PhD candidate working with Martha Muñoz at Yale E&EB. Studying the morphology, biomechanics, and evolution of lungless salamanders.
Daniel Noble
Daniel Noble
Associate Professor at The ANU.
Maggie Sogin
Maggie Sogin
I ❤️ microbes | ocean lover | climber | #newPI @ UC Merced researching symbiosis and the environment
Murillo R.
Murillo R.
Computational biology and evolutionary genetics. PhD in Biology at the University of Oregon with Andrew Kern and Peter Ralph. From 🇧🇷.
Sandy Kawano, PhD
Sandy Kawano, PhD
Schnauzer mom, fish finatic, and salamander shenanigans. Pessimistically optimistic. #FinsAndLimbs #FirstGen
Tyler Kent
Tyler Kent
Postdoc @ University of Chicago Ecology & Evolutionary Biology

Evolutionary genomics mostly
Zed Morgan Benfred
Zed Morgan Benfred
Seabird biologist (environmental endocrinology, behavioral ecology); trail enthusiast; inhaler of fiction.
Damaris Brisco
Damaris Brisco
All things weird & wonderful. Fungi-centric naturalist on the Redwood Coast, exploring the leaf litter thru macro lens. #WaterIsLife #BLM She/Them 🌈
Andrew D Thaler
Andrew D Thaler
Deep-sea ecologist investigating how humans shape and reshape the sea floor. Conservation technologist developing open-source tools to understand our changing oceans. Ocean educator creating novel programs to help students interact with marine ecosystems.
Joseph W. Brown
Joseph W. Brown
Computational evolutionary biologist, fake ornithologist, Luddite, CSH

I get down methodically
Without regard to my soul

pfp alt text: Chickens exposed to natural beard hair on mannequin
header alt text: socks 'n sandals
Joel McGlothlin
Joel McGlothlin
Evolutionary biologist. Associate Professor at Virginia Tech.
Samridhi Chaturvedi
Samridhi Chaturvedi
Assistant Professor, EEB, Tulane University
Hanna Kokko
Hanna Kokko
A.v.Humboldt professor at the University of Mainz. Evolutionary ecologist. Runs a research group that once prompted the description "in this [coffee] room there's almost always someone who is at least partially fun". (Which we then translated into Latin.)
Michi Tobler
Michi Tobler
Managing editor J Avian Biology | researcher at Lund University | local patch birder | moth-er | comic nerd | gardener | husband | dad. Fuck cancer. Views are my own. He/him.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
#societyjournal (ESEB), covering #evolution across all organisms #genetics #genomics #selection #lifehistory #evodevo #popgen #theory #speciation
David Kikuchi
David Kikuchi
Nicolas Mouquet
Nicolas Mouquet
Researcher in Ecology,, France | Scientific director of the Centre for the Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiversity (CESAB) | Human by Nature !
Carla Hoge
Carla Hoge
Postdoc in the Przeworski lab at Columbia University. Excited about genomics and cool biology in non-model organisms.
Kevin Bird
Kevin Bird
NSF post doc at UC Davis | genomes & evolution | science & society | opinions mine
Shelly Gaynor
Shelly Gaynor
PhD Candidate at UF I polyploidy evolution
Benjamin Sulman
Benjamin Sulman
Ecosystem scientist and computational modeler
Nordic Society Oikos
Nordic Society Oikos
Home to five Nordic ecology societies and journals,,, and
Maria E. Orive
Maria E. Orive
Scientist, educator, parent . . . not necessarily in that order. All opinions are mine, mine, mine.
Martin Stervander
Martin Stervander
Singing evolutionary biologist, ornithologist, insulaphile. PhD. Senior Curator of #Birds, National Museums Scotland, Senior Curator NHM, Assoc Editor Ibis & Ornis Svecica. He/him. (Views obvs my own)🏳️‍🌈🇸🇪🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🦉🦤🪶🏛️[@nesospiza on Twitter]
Society for the Study of Evolution
Society for the Study of Evolution
Alisa Bokulich
Alisa Bokulich
Professor @ Boston U, History & Philosophy of Science—esp Philosophy of Geosciences, Director Phi-Geo Research Group, Assoc @ Harvard U. Hist Sci, Radcliffe Institute Fellow Alumn, Settler.
Lauren Frankel
Lauren Frankel
evolutionary biologist (phylogenetic network methods, plant systematics) coding in Julia. PhD candidate @ UW-Madison Botany. NSF GRFP fellow. runner. 🏃🏻‍♀️✨🌈🌻🧬 she/her
Milton Tan
Milton Tan
Fish biodiversity, genomics. Illinois Natural History Survey Asst Research Scientist. Also aquarium fish hobbyist and plant parent. Profile pic: With a tamandua knifefish. He/him
European Society for Evolutionary Biology
European Society for Evolutionary Biology
Official profile of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) - an international academic society supporting the study of #evolution

Publisher of
Co-publisher of
Simón(e) Sun 🌑 PhD
Simón(e) Sun 🌑 PhD
transsexual ándrógýne \\ queering the anthrocatastrophocene \\ hormones \\ neurons \\ genes \\ pdoc @CSHL in Tollkuhn lab \\ hanna gray fellow @HHMI \\ sr fellow @TransStudies \\ alien behind SÉN \\ they\she \\
Amanda L. J. Duffus
Amanda L. J. Duffus
Professor of Biology at Gordon State College. HerpDiseaseEcologist, Ranaviruses, budding turtle health and SFD student.
Views are my own. They/She.
Dr. Stepfanie Aguillon 😷
Dr. Stepfanie Aguillon 😷
Asst Prof at UCLA | genomics, hybridization, & speciation 🧬🐤🐟 | cross-stitching extraordinaire 🪡 | lover of the desert 🌵| dog enthusiast 🐕 | she/her

Opinions are my own.
Dr. Andrea Wishart
Dr. Andrea Wishart
Squirrels! PhD; Evolutionary ecologist and recovering genomicist | Journal Development Specialist for Can J Zoology & Can J Forest Research | Board member: & LTR-CSEE | She/her
William W. Booker
William W. Booker
Polyploids, deep learning, pop gen, frogs, crops, and whatever else I can convince people to pay me to do.
Volker Rudolf
Volker Rudolf
Community Ecology | Phenology | Ponds| Professor of Ecology & Evolution @ Rice University. Editor-In-Chief @ The American Naturalist. Dad, husband, polliwog wrangler, baker of Bavarian pretzels, chicken owner. Typos are my own.
Miles Zhang
Miles Zhang
🇨🇳🇨🇦🇺🇸🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 | Marie Curie postdoc at University of Edinburgh | Wasp taxonomy, phylogenomics, and evolutionary ecology |
Lukas Musher
Lukas Musher
Evolutionary biologist at The Academy of Natural Sciences (Philadelphia). Ornithology. Phylogenomics. Speciation. Dachshund dad and human dad!
Bryan Carstens
Bryan Carstens
Evolutionary biologist at The Ohio State University, Director of the Tetrapod Collection at the Museum of Biological Diversity, founding editor of the SSB Bulletin; bat aficionado, dad of two great kids, married to a writer of scary stories.
Megan Smith
Megan Smith
Assistant Prof at Mississippi State | population genetics, phylogenetics | she/her |