Dr. Andrea Wishart

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Dr. Andrea Wishart


Squirrels! PhD; Evolutionary ecologist and recovering genomicist | Journal Development Specialist for Can J Zoology & Can J Forest Research | Board member: @supportourscience.bsky.social & LTR-CSEE | She/her

"Native species of butterflies and moths really do need native species of plants in order to survive. What we're hoping to get people thinking about more is … the actual geographic origin of the tree we're planting in our cities," Tseng says. www.cbc.ca/news/canada/... 🧪🌎🦋🌲
Concern grows for Metro Vancouver's butterflies as sightings plummet by more than half over last year | CBC Newswww.cbc.ca Extreme swings in weather might be to blame, but research shows planting more native trees in cities could help.
BE-STEMM (hosted by the Canadian Black Scientists Network) is being held in-person for the first time July 30-Aug 1 at the National Library & Public Archives Canada in Ottawa. Registration: blackscientists.ca/be-stemm-eve...
Register Now! BE-STEMM 2024 | EN-STIMM 2024 S’inscrire maintenant ! | Canadian Black Scientistsblackscientists.ca
Stranded overnight in Toronto. Going on over 30 hours of travel. Getting from Western Canada to anywhere and back again is a JOURNEY, Air Canada never fails to disappoint, and Pearson is purgatory!
Not a girl, Not yet a meatball. (But getting dangerously close) Dinner meatballs (not to be confused with breakfast meatballs) 📍Nybrogatan 38
CHECK OUT THIS FUNGUS. At the base of a grafted Fraxinus 📍Uppsala University
Nobel Prize museum. Frankly, just not enough zoology for my liking 🐿️ Weird to see a science musuem that 1) isn’t an interactive kids centre or natural history museum and 2) is so serious! Maybe I PhD’d wrong 😅
A week of forests at #IUFRO2024 fueled by daily breakfast meatballs & lingonberries, topped off with performances by The Choir of the ABBA museum Truly a great way to experience Sweden for the first time. And I still have two days ahead to explore ☺️
Saturday morning breakfast meatballs. Because Sweden?
If I hadn’t already eaten, this would be the easiest way to kidnap me. Gamla Stan, Stockholm
My nail salon plays Mr Bean or Juste Pour Rire. I don’t go to the bars anymore but I get my nails done once in a while….cause and effect?
Why do all bars have to have a big tv showing sports and how is there always a sporting event happening for them to show, regardless of the hour, who decided all of this? Why can’t ONE bar show like episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer instead
Long (good!) day. Time for a cocktail and a tapas #IUFRO2024
I'm 52 today! If you'd like to get me something, how about you share a few bucks with this exceptional program that provides access to genuine field research for community college students from urban Los Angeles? These folks have been doing it for years and they change lives.
Community College Field Biology Alliance Summer Excursionchuffed.org Over the past six years, the Community College Field Biology Alliance has been dedicated to providing hands-on field biology experiences for community college students. These experiences are invaluabl...
When in Sweden…drink German beer with your fish and chips. Really a silly dietary choice given round 3 of breakfast meatballs and lingonberries is scheduled for early tomorrow morning
Looks like I’m the only person at IUFRO wearing a mask…
You left your typewriter at Nordisk Museet
The Muskoka or Stockholm archipelago challenge
Carl Linnaeus’ magnifying glass! @ Nordiska Museet
Based on all we can tell, Covid cases are going straight up in Germany right now. At the same time, a friend of mine has been hit with severe long Covid after their second infection. Stay safe, mask up, keep track of your vaccinations
Covid19 am 22.6.24: leider weiter stabil↗️ mit R~1,28😢 R(Berichte): 1,29 - FT-korr: 1,29 R(Meldungen) fix: 1,28 - korr: 1,28 R_ITS: 1,20-1,32 R_LOESS (Abwasser): 1,07 [12.6.] Mit DZF 250 real: Fälle (7T-M): ↗️94.000 Inzidenz: ↗️780 - Abwasser [12.6.]: 337 Grafik ab 1.3., Details s. ALT‼️
Foods I have somehow stuffed into my poor body today: - Swedish meatballs -strawberry cake - gravlax -cloudberry creme fraiche -smoked moose -lingonberry jam -the best hummus -alder-smoked bacon -batata Harry - shrimp and egg -yogurt and compote The day and this list are not complete.
I had to wake up at 3:30 am Saskatoon time Wednesday for my Toronto flight, then had one hour of sleep on the red eye to Stockholm. First stop when I got into the city this morning was the Vasa Museum (on @stephenbheard.bsky.social’s “wreck”-ommendation) - SO. COOL.
Happy Solstice from Stockholm ☀️
#ASMicrobe peeps, I tested positive for FluA today. I know one other person that also tested + today, and one more with Covid. Please be safe and get tested early if you start having symptoms. Treatment for both is better early. #ClinMicro
Welp I know a shit tonne of people down with COVID right now, and I can’t find anywhere that has tests (even for purchase) in Saskatoon 🙃 Recommended places to order from?
Looks like today is the last day for early-bird registration to the BE-STEMM event happening this summer in Ottawa: be-stemm.blackscientists.ca/2024/5271892