Dr. Acula, MD

Dr. Acula, MD


This is what it feels like to try to get out of bed in the morning
Marble head of Aphrodite emerges in the excavation of the ancient city of Aizanoi in modern day Turkey (or Türkiye). Probably 1st or 2nd century www.archeotravelers.com/en/2021/11/0...
I watch about a billion movies a year and I’d say 35% are through Tubi. It has everything from Oscar winners to Godfrey Ho ninja overdubs to stuff made in people’s basements. I’ve said it before and it’s like browsing the back aisles of your local video store. It’s great because it’s weird.
Tubi outperformed a ton of more prestige streamerswww.avclub.com Tubi topped Disney+ for viewers in May, indicating (again) that people still like watching TV in traditional modes
Reposted by Dr. Acula, MD
Everyone who still uses Twitter in June 2024
Reposted by Dr. Acula, MD
That I’m greeted with this unprompted flurry of wonderful people crapping on the Cybertruck is one of many, many reasons this space is about 800% better than The Other Place
End of feed.