
Sometimes I feel like ghibli movies have a similar treatment to the beatles, that even if they're good there's something icky in gushing about it because of how pedestrian it sounds. "Oh really, ghibli movies are good? What an interesting and exciting opinion!" Sums it up lol
Though I do say that they were very important for me during my teenage years, I didn't have internet at home and TV was shit so I spent a whole bunch of time just watching pirated ghibli movies a friend gave to me again and again. I guess it influenced me a bunch haha
Ah I meant the quote sarcastically. Essentially everybody knows the movies are good, there's not much conversation to be had if what you're saying basically amounts to what everybody thinks is what I'm getting at. I don't agree with this position entirely, but I do feel it in my bones
other people have written at length about how to many people it's just an aesthetic, cozy fluffy grass but none of the social/political themes
Yeah it's one of the things that have annoyed me to no end about the popular perception of ghibli movies. It requires a lot of willful ignorance to chalk their diverse array of work into garrish european plains bucolic paintings