Sharon Murdoch

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Sharon Murdoch

Political cartoonist
in Aotearoa New Zealand
Winston comes out all guns blazing. I’m sure this could be put to good use. My Stuff #cartoon today #NZpol
Mānawatia a Matariki! Wishing you all good things for the coming year. My #cartoon today #Matariki
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tl;dr: I made a TONNE of new stuff, I worked really hard on it, and I'm dropping it all online NOW. Bon appetit! BANDANA // GLASSWARE // ENAMEL PINS // STICKERS All artist-designed and produced to my ridiculously high standards <3 SHARES APPRECIATED:
Penny Simmonds, Minister for the Enviroment. My Stuff cartoon today.
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My cartoon in today's Simeon's been saying A LOT this week. Most of it stating the bloody obvious. But what is he not saying... #EditorialCartoon #PoliticalCartoon #Caricature #SimeonBrown #Ferry #SimonSays
State Highway 1: Expect delays. My Stuff cartoon today, or more a sort of diagram. #nzpol
Some MPs are a little bit entitled. My Stuff cartoon today. #NZpol
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Reposted byAvatar Sharon Murdoch
My cartoon in today's At the weekend we saw over 20,000 people from all walks of life demonstrating that they do not want this bill to be passed. The hubris and nonchalant attitude towards our people and the environment is breathtaking. #NzPol #Aotearoa #Nz
The Fast-Track Bill, or as it should be known, The Rip, Shit and Bust Bill. My Stuff cartoon today.
A $4billion package to fix potholes. A cartoon from last year.
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My cartoon in today's With all the redundancies in our major city the knock on effect to businesses will be felt during the winter period. #NzPol #NationalParty #ActParty #NzFirst #Redundancies #PoliticalCartoon #EditorialCartoon #Government
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My cartoon in today's Wayne Brown is moaning about 'cones' again! His latest Op-Ed in the SST over the weekend shows he still hasn't let it go. Here's a traffic management worker telling him the reason for them... #NzPol #AucklandMayor #PoliticalCartoon
One feather from an extinct bird sells for $46,000. Shame we don’t value the birds and their habitat so highly BEFORE they go extinct. My Sunday Star Times #cartoon today #nzpol #FastTrack
NZ’s negotiators on a Pandemic Treaty have instructed by the govt to ensure NZ can opt out of international health rules rather than stopping future pandemics. My #cartoon today for Stuff
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CEO Luxon chunking down the big rocks #nzpol #cartoon for NZListener ( Fyi: the politics column by the esteemed Danyl McLauchlan )
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Reposted byAvatar Sharon Murdoch
Have you noticed the gag cartoons in @nzlistenermag? Here’s a recent one of mine #print #cartoons
Reposted byAvatar Sharon Murdoch
My cartoon in We all knew Luxon had it in his wheel house but then Seymour & Winnie... well they've tossed their 'freedom' & 'libertarian' ways to the side. With an ease that suggested they never cared about freedom or the individual in the first place.
David the Unwoke. My Stuff #cartoon today #nzpol
What’s good for 123 geese should be good for 5,000,000. My Sunday Star Times #cartoon today #NZpol #EmploymentConditions #FairPay
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Joel MacManus remains one of the very few political journalists working in NZ who is consistently able to step outside gallery gossip and horse race bullshit and shed light on the substance of things. This is excellent.
On the politics of Last night's dismal poll for the coalition shows the limits of trying to govern as an opposition.
Operational manoeuvres in health. Hospitals have been instructed to save $105m by July. Minister says it won’t affect care. My Stuff #cartoon today #HealthCare #NZpol
David Seymour and Shane Jones’ critiques of the Waitangi Tribunal may constitute a breach of the Cabinet Manual. My #cartoon today in the Sunday Star Times #NZpol
A personal cartoon done after learning a friend has lost their job. If you think this cartoon is tasteless or brutal, well it’s got nothing on what the government is doing to real-life people. #nzpol #PublicServiceCuts
Why we’d prioritise a 4km tunnel under Wellington city over a vital bit of kit, the Interislander ferries, (which we’ve been told we can’t afford), I don’t know. Maybe it’s adventure tourism. Certainly a lot of the locals wouldn’t be venturing in there. My Stuff #cartoon today #nzpol
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The multicoloured skinks of Aotearoa have rather more clout than Shane Jones and would like to have a word with him about his political career, and if he still wants one.
Shane Jones: 'Gone are the days of the multicoloured skink, the kiwi, many other species that have been weaponised to deny regional New Zealand communities their right to a livelihood...'
Fast-track bill: Which projects could be approved for quicker consent? There is consensus among environmental advocates on which projects are most likely to try their hand at a path of lesser resistance.
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“Read The Room, Robert.” #gag #cartoon #reading As printed in NZListener. #accessibility Take it with you on a coffee mug… #findyourthing #redbubble
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My cartoon in today's The self declared 'libertarian' MP David Seymour is hell bent on breaking the Governmental system in the name of the individual... unless it's him of course. He can make us do what he wants when he wants. #NzPol #PoliticalCartoon
Ex-MP Mr Steven Joyce catches a gravy train. My Sunday Star Times #cartoon today #nzpol