
One way to see the Hochul climb-down in congestion pricing is that it is another instance where blue state politicians create a vetocracy that stops them from taking actions that would improve the quality of lives for citizens.
Supporters of Congestion Pricing Are Furious at Hochul’s ‘Betrayal’ Advocates who have been fighting for decades for the program were shocked by the governor’s sudden move and its impact on funding for the city’s subways.
it's not as bad as the outright voter disenfranchisement you'll see in red states, but this too is a shameless form of representation that seeks to hold onto power over delivering proper and good governance
Cars are cancer in dense cities. The only things that should be legal to drive are commercial and government vehicles. Nobody needs to drive a 3000 lb chunk of steel to get their 150 lb ass to work in a city with a good subway system.
> blue state politicians create a vetocracy NY State politicians are garbage. It's a shame the US is stuck in a two party system. This is the most important election of our lifetime blah blah blah...