
Let me try to put my cards on the table and lay out where I'm at re: Biden bowing out and the race in general. #1: I am bewildered by how many different factions are hostile to Biden and how bad the polls have been. In my view, he's a pretty good president (certainly better than I expected).
The economy is pretty good, albeit with some large asterisks, the crime spike is receding, inflation is receding, things are vastly better re COVID, and he's accomplished some awesome stuff re: climate and labor.
He's also an incumbent president running against somebody who has been extremely unpopular for his entire political career and who is currently a convicted felon. I don't understand how Biden is trailing.
This isn't meant as an unskew the polls thing, it's to say that my general instincts about how politics works are missing something (or maybe the polls are, idk)
So given that I think Biden is producing better results than Obama was in 2012, why is there this momentum to get rid of him? I don't understand.
#2: I do worry about how well he'll be able to do the job by the end of his term if he wins. 86 is old. That said, he seems to have been doing the job without serious problems from his age up til now.
#3: I am starting to worry that the media feeding frenzy on this has its own momentum and reasons to exist and will persist even in the absence of any supporting facts.
I don’t think we’re that far off. What’s tipped it for me is the media’s months long obsession about his age that has become the 2024 “But her emails”, which was enough to put Trump ahead of another competent politician with good fundamentals in 2016.
I ignored a lot of what in retrospect were obvious flaws in the Clinton campaign bc it seemed so obvious that she the only qualified candidate in a race. If the media wants to make a national race close, it can and will.
You have maybe underestimated the amount of money that wants to get rid of democracy/the administrative state in the US?
There is an incredible disconnect between how the economy is doing and how people think the economy is doing. In May, 55% in a Harris poll said we’re in a recession. Reality: last recession was early 2020. 49% said unemployment was at a 50-year high. Reality: it’s near a 50-year low.
The other day, over the course of a single conversation, my supervisor mentioned that A. our company has had an absolutely record 2Q, and B. “The economy is in the shitter”
Don Respectfully, have you thought about the majority of US citizens who are less than a paycheck away from homelessness? Most of those people can see Biden doesn't know what day it is or care about his golf game.
Biden is presiding over an economy where unemployment is quite low and median wages are growing well even despite inflation. He is not presiding over an economy in which poverty has ceased to exist. I guess if you think it's reasonable to expect the latter then you should be mad at him.
I don't make enough money to defend him. I wish I did.