
❌Company who owns the IP of your favorite series makes another game motivated by money. ✅Indie creators, inspired by said series, makes a game motivated by passion.
Not saying don't buy games! Nintendo got me in a Zelda choke-hold. I'm saying I'd RATHER have a game made from passion and love.
I'd love to see more people give small IP a chance. It feels so unfair that folks are ride or die for major corporations but are barely willing to give some indie or budget title a chance.
especially when those indie games are in a price range where you can try a handful for the price of a single mid big corpo game
ive personally fallen off of bundles because i would end up with too many games i didnt even care about trying but i love picking up random stuff just because the vibes seem cool haha
Indie out here doing what AAA wont
“It’s a very small portion of the gaming industry that works that way, and some of these people are my favorite people in the world to fight with, they’re the most beautiful and pure, brilliant people. They’re also some of the biggest fucking idiots,” -John Riccitiello and to that i say.. (1/2)
Yes, i am an idiot, and i will remain an idiot all my life. my love for videogames holds strong, to see people ruin my passion for money makes me sick. I create games out of my love for gaming, and spite for those who ruin my passion. its unforgivable, and ill join in to correct it. (2/2)