Dott Winial

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Dott Winial

Novelist. Born and live in sKorea, so far. I use macOS. Trying not to be cynical, or nihilistic.
When people talk about how some people hating celebrities just because they’re famous, my mind go straight up to Billie Eilish. Her debut album is just genuinely great. I didn’t even liked her EP, but the first album is just deserving. The most talented privileged artists in 2010s and after.
“JJK is a great manga/anime!” You do you, but it really was not for me. I turned it off when Panda and Android started to doing Dragon Ball Z fighting.
I still wish web design, or just anything computer related software in general, is more close to codex form than scrolls. It seems like every software with GUI, or even before GUI, they all seem like designed to scrolling through everything. Computing should, or I wish evolve to codex style more.
I really hate when I get home and there’s no power to do anything else ugh…my job is not even that hard why is this happening
I don’t even hope to buy house, I wish I had money to rent house. And it’s impossible.
Did you know, that asking suspicious online accounts for if they’re a bot actually works? Real humans reacts. Bots, go completely silence or start throwing random insults without actually replying to anything previously said.
Honestly I want to be a pro-piracy person, considering how many companies have been just straight up evil and stealing money from the people. It’s just, I wish pro-piracy people are less annoying and less defensive about themselves.
It’s so odd. Shouldn’t house, food and clothes be free to have? Maybe not fancy ones but at least it’s not so hard to get. Regardless of the quality, if there’s society exists, people shouldn’t be a homeless, shouldn’t be starving and shouldn’t be naked. If not, why we even have society for?
I think I should carry 3.5mm headphones jack cause I just have to use usb c cables to wired my headphones to workplace computer 😇
Okay but, how dead Facebook actually is? IG always has been a treated as a different type of service but, what happened to Facebook? I thought American conservative uncles used it or something.
My South Korean money management bank app keeps telling me I spent too much this month, and 1 of 3rd is me repaying my school loans. It’s like, please stfu, app.
I’m really happy that I finally work with my pay grade. Not carrying whole projects by my shoulders, but just doing minor takes as a mere worker.
It’s very sad, weird and infuriating that how all the advices that given to me as kid turned out to be the worst to me. Don’t learn programming, just be a better writer and hire translators, don’t quit high school, make a friends in school and they will keep you forever. It all turned out, worst.
Whenever I read something online that doesn’t understandable due to “broken English”, I always say that it’s my bad English skill is the reason I don’t understand . Because, that’s just true. If I am native English speaker, I could get what they mean even if they make some grammatical errors.
Guess there’s many English writers/novelists using bsky, huh. Maybe this is one of my chance to improve reading and writing skills in English.
I hate when someone says “unmatchable aura” and it’s just bleeding old man shaking fist in front of upside down flag 😑
In one way, I think western civilization has been ruined the earth and humanity enough to learn something from their mistakes. In other way, it just keep happening and feels like nothing is actually getting better with them. I’m South Korean and descendant of Sin-La, I can say this comfortably 😛
This Ling Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard album is just so good. I listened to this album last year like, whole summers. I might should try to get physical copy.
I know it’s a silly thing but Bsky needs some catchy cute phrases for posting and reposting. Also I still think that blue sky picture was better for the app 😂
I think I should delete twitter from my bookmarks also
I know too many smart people disagree with this but, brain is not you. It’s just body part of you.
Since old Twitter people use Bsky as replacement, I think I should clear about this on here also. If you talk about Hasan or Asmongold, there’s high chance I will not read. It’s not on them, but on you. I’ll not trust you, either it’s positive or negative. And it’s not about your political beliefs.
Oh thank god, people joking about Trump assassination attempt on here. My South Korean twitter turned into doom scrolling of bringing back 2016 and English Twitter were dead serious about it as if they didn’t joke about the other similar events when it was fresh. I’m happy to see it.
I must be the only person who doesn’t like new butterfly logo for bsky app…I liked that actual sky picture for the app.
Bsky has bad people posting bad takes? Why not? It’s human using site, ofc there’s that kind of posts exists. But I don’t see them whenever I open the app, isn’t it?
I have extreme hatred for the people who playing “which side are you on” game, especially what they preaching is a political correctness. I truly believe PC shouldn’t be a side like conservative or liberal politics, so it really piss me off when such cases happens. I can list 3 examples for this.
The thing that “Platform formerly known as Twitter” active users don’t understand is that, they think people complain about how dead Twitter actually is too much, but never really get WHY that’s happening in the first place. It’s not just “billionaire hate”, it’s actually experience based complains.
Please Blue Sky users suggest me some good tech accounts or Hiphop accounts to follow…I already have to use Twitter for Vtubers I don’t want use Twitter for anything else ugh
I think I need one more computer for myself, but I can’t sure which is what I need. I already have iPhone 15PM, 12.9 inch iPad Pro M1 and 16 inch MBP. I really feel like I just need the one more thing that makes my life easier with everything.
Freewrite team really have to learn from the old word processor machines if they really want to keep making gadgets for the writers. 4 line screen is not enough for making an paragraph 🫤