
We're not going to get it but I do think it would be deeply funny if the SNP did well enough for the Tories to get fewer seats UK-wide than us.
But we can't have nice things so.
This is why the SNP should've run candidates in England just for the lolz.
“Don’t like the SNP selecting candidates for English constituencies? There is in fact one simple trick to solve that!” Mind you it would probably turn out to be the majority party at Westminster trying to ban the SNP so maybe not such a jolly jape
Make England so annoyed that it votes to make Scotland independent regardless of whether the Scots themselves actually want it.
That would certainly be the most fitting end to the Union. (I can’t understand the very online very English folks who talk about how shit Scotland is but somehow won’t take the opportunity to be rid of it)
Happened in Canada in 1993 when our Tories dropped from government to 2 seats. The Bloc Quebecois became the official opposition for one term.
I just hope they hold the line as best they can.
There was a poll back in the darkest days of Liz Truss that implied a greater seat share for the SNP than the Tories. Something like Lab 53% Con 19%, which is unlikely to be replicated today.
That would be more a case of the Tories doing badly enough. Whilst I expect Labour to win a landslide, I do not expect the Tories to get less than 100 seats. I will however rejoice if they do, especially if it pushes them into 3rd or 4th place.
It’s in the range of possibilities!