
protip to the dissident left, as one of the dissident left: you need to desist from the "Labour and Tories are the exact same" argument because however passionately you feel that they are in some field of policy or other this does not actually convince anyone. like it is a rhetorically bad tactic
Labour kept saying /exactly that/ about the SNP for years and it was decidedly not working because voters looked at it and said "haha lol, lmao, sure they are" until they changed tack to a more polished positioning. We need to not repeat their mistakes.
In Scotland, talk about Scotland. In Wales, talk about Wales. In England, talk about concrete policy failures. Do not attack them in abstract. Do not look like a /weirdo/ to voters.
Yeah I mean I'm sceptical about labour and outright disagree with some of their policies but they're blatantly not the same as the tories. Its perhaps more obvious if you live in England maybe? The tory media are still crying about Starmergeddon
This is an international left problem it seems. No the Centre-Right and Centre-Left parties are not the same . Don't say that . It's just not true. Attack them on their directly on records on what they do and what they don't.
Like this was a fucking problem in Weimar Germany already. This was a point of attack of the KPD going after the SPD . No the SPD was not the same as the Centre to Right-Wing parties .