
"And every artist on every website and hobby app and video game deserves a cut of the ad revenue sold against their artwork." Me, sitting here literally bleeding out of my hands from drawing just trying to figure out how to pay rent, and it's like... there is no ad money. Google fucked us all.
People really are delusional that they think small sites and independent make boatloads of money off ADs... it is very disconnected from the reality of how ADs work in the first place. The way ADs work for websites is the same it works for Youtubers. People make dirt shit, almost nothing.
I still remember a Youtuber with hundreds of thousands followers made much less than $200 on ADs from his videos in a year, and people watch a lot of that Youtubers videos. There isn't a single person that can survive off that and pay the bills. It sure as hell isn't covering the cost of a Website.
The email I just got while writing this post. Every time I think I have money I'm grimly reminded of all the debt I took on the pandemic just to survive and get FA back.
Oof... you got the same bank and same financial situation I wind up in every single month. No money and a shitty bank. I can relate to your issue. We live in an awful nation with an awful economic system. The good thing is that we have good company with good people in spite of this crap.