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On the Internet, no-one knows you're not a dragon. Adoptive Bristolian, ex-astronomer. Sometimes draws stuff. 41, he/him. FA: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/dragoncenturion
A random thought I had earlier, while running the dailies in Fo76 - there are plenty of Deathclaw fursonas out there, but I don't think I've ever seen a Scorchbeast.
Reposted byAvatar Wreck
Commission for Akahito
So, it's taken months - yes, really - but I _finally_ have a workable set of line art for "Visiting Friends on New Innsmouth".
Oh hello, a No Man's Sky update? I wonder what will be in this...
Reposted byAvatar Wreck
Today in "Wreck vs. food", Exhibit A is a gluten-free pizza that's burnt at the edges and still gooey in the middle. Sigh.
Well, I slept a lot more normally last night, so at least that was good. I'm hoping for no repeat of whatever it was that happened on Monday night/Tuesday AM.
Trying to do a day's work on about 90 minutes' sleep is a weird experience. I barely know which direction is up right now.
Well, that was weird. I had genuinely one of the worst nights of sleep in years - I was still awake after 5 AM. I had all the physical symptoms of a panic attack except, bizarrely, the emotional ones. I felt like my body was panicking but somehow I wasn't. Very odd.
Well, it looks like I managed to time my supermarket trip pretty much perfectly. I got a little wet on the way down, but I seem to have found one of the few gaps in the genuinely-torrential stuff today.
That thing when you need to go to the supermarket, but it's torrential rain outside because this is the new month of Julcember.
Yes, yes, yes, and so what if I did go and buy the "I can't believe it's not a tank" Definitely-Not-A-Tank ... ? 😆 #cyberpunk2077
Given all the sudden noise from outside, I'm guessing a sportsball thing just happened.
Reposted byAvatar Wreck
Kyle can be very snuggly :3 also Keyo synth cameo. I don't think I ever made a synth version of him before. I didn't plan this, I just kept adding details to that synth and then it just kinda morphed into something that looks like Keyo as a synth. xD #furryart #synth #shark #robot
It's a minor detail, but it's interesting that the BBC's reaction to certain events is apparently to go and interview Nigel Farage (and give him another opportunity to do some performative "oh pity me, I'm a smol bean really" stuff). They really have gone properly off the deep end for that guy.
Trecz does look a bit tired here, but in fairness, he probably has been worked quite hard by the green one 😆 #furryart #anthroart #digitalart #armour #dragon #hyena
That thing when you've run out of one single item, so you do need to go to the supermarket, but it seems so _silly_ to make an entire trip for one thing.
Oh goody, I have a gluten-free item in the oven and I just lost track of time. Sigh. It's not burnt _yet_, but I'm going to have to ride herd on it very carefully for the next 10 minutes or so
Me trying to figure out reflection geometries on metallic surfaces: remind me again why I do this to myself? Me, later on: ... but what if I draw another? 😆
I got to start the day by telling someone to fuck off. That was fun 😆
I know you have to be me to have strong feelings about this, but the phrase "meteoric rise" always has me gritting my teeth. They. Don't. Go. Up. Dammit!!
Reposted byAvatar Wreck
I didn’t upload last weekend cause I was on vacation. Here is some traditional art (oil) I made at a friends place. Its a fanart of the game invincible again and a black hole. #oilpainting #traditionalart #scifi #spaceart #invincible #fanart
Another progress update on this one.
I am happy to have got rid of the work laptop for the day.
Leaf tea is one of those ideas that sounds great, until you get to the detritus at the bottom of the mug.
Apparently this evening is an evening of "doing absolutely nothing of any substance whatsoever"