Drayson Graves

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Drayson Graves


Grad student, professional idiot, PSO addict 20 years too late
You want drug decriminalization to reduce meaningless (largely race-motivated) arrests and imprisonment. I want drug decriminalization to so I can taste original recipe Coke. We are not the same.
Moving around the overhead Tokyo map in the last quarter of SMT V is probably the closest Atlus has come to recapturing the feeling of the first third of SMT I. I guess whether that's good or bad is up to the individual, but I personally think it's great.
Does anyone else have a really hard time playing MMORPGs out of the fear of holding your party back while learning boss/dungeon mechanics and not wanting to inconvenience groups of people you know would rather be doing anything else than running a newbie through early content? Or just me?
What if you saw God vent? What then?
Shouting out into the void to anyone who was even vaguely interested in the Romancing SaGa 2 remake in the Nintendo Direct, please give it a try. Can't promise you'll like it, but if you do, it'll definitely become one of your favourite games of all time.
Rewatching old Yu-Gi-Oh episodes in Japanese, I think the weirdest thing is seeing Kaiba portrayed as a human person with thoughts and feelings and not an alien card game robot.
Labmates came back with Covid from a goddamn virology conference. The jokes write themselves.
I may not end up liking the answer but asking anyway: Is it normal to find a new song you like and then replay it 20-30 times in a row, back to back?
NO ONE is ready. I'm not ready. I'll never be ready.
Wrong guesses only
Playing Etrian Odyssey 3 for the first time, and why did they make me do it to Narmer like that? Narmer wasn't hurting anyone and ran away at half health. Justice for Narmer.
Paper drinking straws are proof to me that we're doomed as a species. They're the smallest possible inconvenience, and while they don't accomplish a whole lot, an eco-friendly society would definitely use them (along with lots of other inconvenient things). And they make people lose their shit.
I got a bone to pick with Atlus for shipping SMTV blatantly unfinished so they could sell it to me again three years later fixed. I'm even more annoyed because it will 100% work and I am counting down the days until Vengeance releases.
In all my years, I have never seen a video game tell a story as compelling as even the worst piece of written prose ever put to paper. I know this because I have played every game: Assassin's Creed, Skyrim, Call of Duty, BOTH Horizon games...
At the end of Gundam Char's Counterattack, a bunch of people, from both sides of a conflict, make an earnest effort to save the world, despite it being objectively hopeless. It works thanks to something no one considered, but only BECAUSE they tried. This hits me harder every time I watch the film.
SaGa Emerald Beyond might be the best JRPG I've ever played, purely in terms of gameplay. It looks like ass and the story is nonexistent and there are no dungeons or exploration, but I cannot stop playing it.
Happy Friday to those who celebrate.
I have a theory that Unlimited Saga, underneath all the weird mechanics and unusual presentation, tells a heartfelt overarching story about moving on from loss and creating your own meaning in the world. This will remain a theory forever because I will never finish another story.
Unlimited Saga is one of the best JRPGs I've ever played, hidden behind the worst user interface and onboarding experience ever conceived.
It's really weird scrolling through posts and all of a sudden seeing !blocked. I post maybe twice a week, and if they aren't replies they are seen by probably a single-digit number of people. What on Earth did I even say?
Every time I try a SaGa game, I have fun for three hours, spend the next 25 feeling like the dumbest person on earth, usually drop the game without finishing, and say never again whether I finish or not. Then I start another one within the next half year.
Can't wait to experience "bridge too woke" vs "bridge not woke enough" discourse for the next several weeks while internet sleuths try to unravel the mystery of why a structure hit by a fully loaded cargo ship would fall over.
Is there a word for spending three hours in the character creator getting every slider exactly right only to immediately hate every decision you just made one second into the first cutscene?
My current freshest take is that Gundam ZZ is pretty good. Not mind blowing but pretty good.
Yes, of course I disagree with Bask Om's methods, and I wish we could just wave a magic wand and stop sending up nerve gas, but we just can't. These things take time.
"Hey, did you hear that the Titans just forcibly relocated about 3 million people to turn their former home into a giant space laser that they used to kill 3 million more people?" "Yes yes yes, it's very bad. The real question here though, is do you condemn Zeon?"
What entertainment executives haven't figured out yet is that the line between "I can barely tell a computer made this!" and "I can't tell a computer made this!" is so insurmountably high that it scrapes the fucking sun every 24 hours.
Anyone who says that anything has an inherent, fixed value has never had the pleasure of forgetting to label their tubes of transparent odorless liquid.
You're a real one, Mr. Grinch.
The neat the thing about NFTs is that they never weren't a scam. People trying to convince you to buy in weren't "misinformed," they were lying. People lie sometimes.
If the US Republican party can change "global warming" to "climate change" through insistence alone, we can change "AI" into "word calculator" by the same method. That's all they fucking are.