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𝙋𝙝𝘿⚛️in physical chemistry: 𝙖𝙞𝙧 𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩.🌬 infection prevention & control. Previously: multi-disciplinary research; ex-LA director of education; ex-director of a national children's charity. Governor of an NHS Foundation Trust Hospital
Ireland COVID19 Data 16 July 2024: 84 New confirmed cases in past 24 hours; recorded at 8am. 🤦A growing number in hospital infected with this 'lingering' virus. 🤷Note the growing proportion within the red ellipse. Data / chart via: @hpscireland @HSELive covid19ireland-geohive.hub.arcgis.com
Ireland COVID19 Data 16 July 2024: 84 New confirmed cases in past 24 hours; recorded at 8am. @hpscireland @HSELive 🆙A growing number affected / infected. 🤷Note the large numbers - within the red ellipse. covid19ireland-geohive.hub.arcgis.com
Ireland COVID19 Data 16 July 2024: 391 Confirmed cases in hospital; 84 New confirmed cases in past 24 hours; recorded at 8am. @hpscireland @HSELive 🤷COVID is not seasonal: latest spread of infections noticeable in Ireland, in the UK, in the USA, globally! covid19ireland-geohive.hub.arcgis.com
Study indicates that, ‘the frequency and persistent morbidity associated with hospital-onset #SARSCoV2 infections in the omicron era suggest that hospitals should implement measures to prevent nosocomial #SARSCoV2 infections.’ Michael Klompas @harvardmed www.healthday.com/healthpro-ne...
Hospital-Onset SARS-CoV-2 Infection During Omicron Linked to Morbiditywww.healthday.com MONDAY, July 15, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- During the omicron era, hospital-onset severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection remained
'Children and young people with Long Covid have been consistently ignored, dismissed, and forgotten throughout the pandemic - their experiences are not being fully valued @covidinquiryuk, echoing the UK government's disregard throughout this crisis.' www.heraldscotland.com/news/2444764...
Long Covid campaigners anger over 'shameful' UK Covid inquiry rulingwww.heraldscotland.com Campaigners for children with long Covid say they are "profoundly disappointed" after being refused official status to participate…
‘Despite the continued COVID-19 death count - around 1,700 a week globally - data show that vaccine coverage has declined among health workers and people over 60, which are two of the most at-risk groups’, notes @DrTedros @WHO, report via @ndtv www.ndtv.com/world-news/c...
Covid Still Kills 1,700 A Week Around World: WHOwww.ndtv.com Covid-19 is still killing around 1,700 people a week around the world, the World Health Organization said Thursday, as it urged at-risk populations to keep up with their vaccinations against the disea...
Ireland COVID19 Data 12 July 2024: 364 Confirmed cases in hospital recorded 8am. 27 Confirmed cases in ICU recorded at 11.30am. 8 Admissions to ICU in past 24 hours, recorded at 11.30am. @hpscireland @HSELive Highest ICU cases / admissions since Jan 2023. covid19ireland-geohive.hub.arcgis.com
People aged 75 and over who have had spring booster vaccinations, by vaccination date (England) Up to and including 30 June 2024: 1. The number of people. 2. The percentage of people. #COVIDisAIRBORNE... The pandemic continues... Data and charts: ukhsa-dashboard.data.gov.uk/topics/covid...
Sadly, the number of people that have taken up the COVID spring booster appears to have declined across the UK - and unsurprisingly, 'we don’t have a very good handle on how much infection there is because there is so little testing now'. Article @BBCNews www.bbc.co.uk/news/article...
Scottish Covid deaths rise as booster vaccine take-up fallswww.bbc.co.uk The latest figures show 49 deaths in the week beginning 1 July, with almost three-quarters in the over-75 age group.
Latest England COVID-19 data In the 7 days to 28 Jun 2024: 168 Deaths involving COVID-19 🆙49% in 4 weeks. In the 7 days to 28 Jun 2024: 2,797 COVID-19 Patients admitted to hospital 🆙74% in 4 weeks. In the 7 days to 30 Jun 2024: 2,947 COVID-Patients in hospital 🆙56% in 4 weeks.
COVID England latest 🏥🛌2,947 confirmed COVID-19 patients occupying hospital beds [30 June 2024] 🕯️168 deaths involving COVID-19 [weekly provisional registrations] 🚨Something clearly isn't right in terms of infection prevention and control: 🌬️💉😷🧪🤦🙅 x.com/JoePajak/sta...
2,947 confirmed COVID-19 patients occupying hospital beds in England - as of 30 June 2024. The highest numbers in the past 7 days, now since 12 February 2024, some 20 weeks ago during the 'winter' months. Something clearly isn't right in terms of infection prevention and control.
2,947 confirmed COVID-19 patients occupying hospital beds in England - as of 30 June 2024. The highest numbers in the past 7 days, now since 12 February 2024, some 20 weeks ago during the 'winter' months. Something clearly isn't right in terms of infection prevention and control.
England COVID-19 data update as of 11 July 2024 - pending today's latest 'weekly' number of positive COVID-19 cases, and virus tests positivity, as to be reported by @UKHSA. Note recent increases in hospital beds occupied by confirmed COVID-19 patients and deaths involving COVID.
England COVID-19 data update as of 11 July 2024 - pending today's latest 'weekly' number of positive COVID-19 cases, and virus tests positivity, as to be reported by @UKHSA. Note recent increases in hospital beds occupied by confirmed COVID-19 patients and deaths involving COVID.
'For now, H5N1 does not spread easily between people. But scientists worry that if it gains that ability, it could spark a pandemic, given that it is genetically different from seasonal flu viruses now in circulation.' ✍️@maxdkozlov @Nature #BirdFlu #H5N1 www.nature.com/articles/d41...
If bird flu sparks a human pandemic, your past immunity could helpwww.nature.com Older populations might be more protected than younger ones because of exposure to ‘matched’ strains during childhood, but an H5N1 pandemic is likely to take a major toll all the same. Older populatio...
#SARSCoV2 doesn't appear to be seasonal. Infections occurring throughout the year, surges dependent on availability, and uptake, of vaccine, levels of immunity, evolution of new variants, and effectiveness of infection prevention. England data trending up, again, and it's summer.
Ireland COVID hospital cases: information presented based on official figures @hpscireland @HSELive. Annotated chart highlighting the daily COVID-19 positive admissions to hospitals in Ireland, between June and July, and December and January, each year. 🤷🤦Interesting seasons...
Ireland COVID hospital cases 91 New confirmed cases in past 24hrs: information presented based on official figures @hpscireland @HSELive. Annotated chart highlighting the daily COVID-19 positive admissions to hospitals in Ireland, between June and July each year of the pandemic.
COVID Ireland 10 July 2024 🆙390 Confirmed cases in hospital 🆙91 New confirmed cases in past 24hrs Source: 'information presented based on official figures provided by @hpscireland @HSELive. Datasets and charts updated on an on-going basis and in line with newly published data.'
So, @UKHSA is ‘continuing to monitor data relating to new variants in the UK and internationally, assessing their severity and ongoing effectiveness of vaccines.’ And, ‘There is no change to the wider public health advice at this time.’ 🚨Hmmm…💉🌬️😷🧪📈 ukhsa.blog.gov.uk/2024/05/13/s...
Should we be worried about the new COVID-19 variant?ukhsa.blog.gov.uk The official blog of the UK Health Security Agency, providing expert insight on the organisation's work and all aspects of health security
COVID Ireland 09 July 2024 367 Confirmed cases in hospital 63 New confirmed cases in past 24hrs Credit 'information presented based on official figures provided by @hpscireland and @HSELive. Datasets and charts updated on an on-going basis and in line with newly published data.'
Not the language that many might use, but Danny Dyer shares his perceptive view about #Brexit, which no one truly understood - and in fact was as vacuous, and glib, as the term 'levelling up'. Thank goodness, that both these falsehoods are dead and buried. youtu.be/-W77154J0-w
Danny Dyer calls David Cameron 'a twat' over Brexityoutu.be Actor calls former prime minister a 'twat' twice during discussion on ITV's Good Evening Britain about Cameron's role in the EU referendum, and describes Bre...
'H5N1 virus currently circulating in cattle has limited capacity to transmit in mammals - but we need to monitor & contain this virus to prevent its evolution to one that transmits well in humans.' Prof. Yoshihiro Kawaoka @uwmadison @UTOPIA_UTokyo @Nature www.eurekalert.org/news-release...
Study suggests that 'Bovine HPAI H5N1 virus possesses features that may facilitate infection and transmission in mammals: highlighting previously overlooked target for the virus: mammary glands.' Amie J Eisfeld et al @uwmadison @UTOPIA_UTokyo @ScienceNews www.sciencenews.org/article/bird...
Bird flu viruses may infect mammary glands more commonly than thoughtwww.sciencenews.org H5N1 turning up in cow milk was a big hint. The virus circulating in U.S. cows can infect the mammary glands of mice and ferrets, too.
Raw milk is risky, but airborne transmission of H5N1 from cow's milk is inefficient in mammalswww.eurekalert.org While H5N1 avian influenza virus taken from infected cow’s milk makes mice and ferrets sick when dripped into their noses, airborne transmission of the virus between ferrets — a common mod...
Study suggests that 'Bovine HPAI H5N1 virus possesses features that may facilitate infection and transmission in mammals: highlighting previously overlooked target for the virus: mammary glands.' Amie J Eisfeld et al @uwmadison @UTOPIA_UTokyo @ScienceNews www.sciencenews.org/article/bird...
Bird flu viruses may infect mammary glands more commonly than thoughtwww.sciencenews.org H5N1 turning up in cow milk was a big hint. The virus circulating in U.S. cows can infect the mammary glands of mice and ferrets, too.
Booster vaccines appear to provide good protection against hospitalization and death, for those eligible to receive them, and assuming they are up to date. However, ‘each time you get COVID, it’s kind of like playing COVID roulette.’ ✍️ @ronlin @latimes www.latimes.com/california/s...
'Playing COVID roulette': Some infected by FLiRT variants report their most unpleasant symptoms yetwww.latimes.com COVID cases and hospitalizations rise in L.A. County — and some of those recently reinfected with the FLiRT variants are finding the latest bout the worst yet.
'New variants of COVID are spreading across the UK. If suffering with a stubborn cough or sore throat recently that just won’t go away, it may be due to an infection by one of the new strains of COVID - named FLiRT and LB.1.' ✍️@camillafPA @Independent www.independent.co.uk/life-style/h...
New FLiRT Covid variant spreading across the UK as doctors issue summer warningwww.independent.co.uk People infected with the FLiRT and LB.1 variants test positive on standard PCR tests