Docteur Nno

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Docteur Nno

I walk through the valley of Social Media, watching, contemplating, and trying to understand. Reason is my guide, and bullshit is my enemy.
Not a real doctor. And I'm french! Why do you think i have this outrageous accent?
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Today, the members of Ars Technica Union are spending our lunch break supporting our coworkers at Condé Union who have walked out to urge the company to stop breaking the law, stop union busting, and stop layoffs. (1/2)
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One sure-fire way to be perceived as charming or affable is to just be like…8% Bill Murray, at all times. Never more than 8%, though.
Reading, listening to music, coding and playing video games on my Amstrad, and playing outside with the neighbors. This is what this relic of an ancient, long-forgotten past was doing in the 90's.
I was a teenager in the 90s. I did not realize I am a relic of an ancient, long-forgotten past.
Let me wish everyone a happy New Year 1939!
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I think about this quote a lot as I grow older.
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Vous pouvez voter toutes les lois que vous voudrez en couchant avec les fachos, essuyer vos larmes de crocodile avec les lambeaux de votre honneur et vous réveiller tous surpris d’être cocus. Nous continuerons à défendre les étrangers avec encore plus de hargne.
Time to engage more on this site...
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James Baldwin wrote the best reason for studying the humanities that I know of. I use it in my classes and it applies as readily to taking English lit as it does to studying History.
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please please please ask each other their working definitions of a term before getting into an argument about it
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What did I like this weekend? Spending time with my kids doing things they love to do. And cooking for them.
In my corporate training about Privacy, the people sharing their personal information seem ecstatic. I question the accuracy of this. #Privacy
"Procrastygon, I choose you!" *goes back to ignoring the chores*
A beginning is a very delicate time. Know then, that is is the year 2023. Twitter is dead, and some people have moved to BlueSky. Maybe I'll find them there. In the meantime, let's have a look at what marvel and bullshit people post here.
End of feed.