Thomas L. Rodebaugh

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Thomas L. Rodebaugh

Clinical scientist at UNC-CH (anxiety, intensive longitudinal data). President of APCS. Senior Editor for Clinical Psychology at Collabra: Psychology. Not a DCT (right now). Occasional music, more about Doctor Who than you might expect.
News sites saying they have updates and so you look and the update is a politician saying a thing. Doesn't count as an update in this kind of situation folks...
amplify this not unverified reports until we know more
Just reported: the oldest genome of a human relative, a 200,000 year old man who lived in Siberia. The DNA came from his tooth. “The genetic sequence…is the oldest high-quality human genome yet—80,000 years older than the previous record holder: a Neanderthal that lived about 120,000 years ago”🧪🦷🧬🏺
The most ancient human genome yet has been sequenced—and it’s a Denisovan’ 200,000-year-old DNA from Siberian cave shows our elusive, extinct cousins mated repeatedly with Neanderthals
NYTimes has a list of the top 100 books so far this century and has a box you can check if you've read it or want to. They are missing boxes for: Started reading it, didn't like it My book club read it, but most of them didn't really My partner read it Read it but yikes that last chapter
If you're writing a manual about how data should be uploaded and you do not include examples of properly formatted data that will upload correctly, what are you even doing. Looking at you HealthMeasures scoring service. #AcademicChatter (More generally: general instructions need specific examples!)
They're filming a thing on my campus & some poor kid with his crew uniform and walkie talkie got to try & tell me I couldn't stand on the sidewalk outside my building (way away from filming). I mean, y'all want to film on a university campus, y'all know you're going to deal with *professors*, right?
Rode my regular bike today after months of using an ebike. It was like booting up an old computer after getting used to a new one: It felt laggy and unstable. "Did this thing get slower?!?" (Of course in this case it's possible I got slower 😅)
Having finally watched Bergmann's The Seventh Seal I went looking for a podcast discussing it, and thereby found that there are so many end-times-themed Christian podcasts that there's literally one called "Not Another Revelations Podcast." Yikes
About to see the Battle of Agincourt in a production of Henry V rather than watch the debate. Judging from my timeline I'm definitely having a better time as a result...
People say our (academics') job is really email, but that's wrong, our job is logging onto the system using our credentials and negotiating 2FA (UNC is actually better about this than some places I can mention but still, my number of times logging in a day approaches infinity) #AcademicChatter
This paper is a service to the field!
Comparing Likert and Visual Analogue Scales in Ecological Momentary Assessment:
Life in 2024 as predicted in 1974
I work with a wonderful recent grad in psychology who is seeking full-time research coordinator positions with a focus on youth mental health. Student is currently applying for OPT to extend F-1 visa. Any leads, please send them my way!
Come join me for a couple of workshops the week of June 10! Focusing on Time Series basics and GIMME. Also check out the other workshops available here - so many good ones!
Use your summer wisely to get a methods leg up, and join me, Jeff Girard, Kelley Kidwell, , , Amie Gordon and more at !!! 6/6
Come do a PhD with us (at the University of Melbourne) and our colleagues at KU Leuven! The projects are in psych and metascience, evaluating the quality of evidence in various areas of psychology. Please share with students who might be interested!
Fancy doing a PhD at the crossroads of memory research, clinical psychology and metascience? And travelling the globe while doing so? Come work with and me at KU Leuven and UniMelb and get a joint PhD degree! [please distribute] 1/2
Reconsolidation-based therapies: Science & fiction (joint PhD Leuven/Melbourne) Do a PhD in Leuven and Melbourne on a topic at the intersection of the science of memory, clinical psychology and meta-science
I am looking for a lab manager for the brand-new Emotional Lives lab (starting this Fall) at UC Riverside. Sharing would be much appreciated :)
University of California, Riverside - UCR is hiring for this great opportunity!
Some #DoctorWho notes on #73Yards --I thought of partial explanations for two of the harder to make sense of parts, which I'll put below in case #spoilers
I'm handling a manuscript on perceptions of Sicilian clinical psychologists towards homosexuality @ Collabra Psych . Given the cultural context, trying to find a reviewer who lives/works in Sicily. My DMs are open if you would be open to reviewing and supporting a great OA journal!
I created some #music going-to/during/coming-back-from the Association for Psychological Science conference. Only realized after it was done that it has an abstract at the beginning like an article in psych would 😅
Birdsong, by Tom track by Tom Rodebaugh
Some #DoctorWho notes on #73Yards --I thought of partial explanations for two of the harder to make sense of parts, which I'll put below in case #spoilers
Later today! Continental 1, Ball Room level, part one starting at 1pm!
Headed to #APS later this month? If you're there on Thursday, join us at the Clinical Science Forum! Speakers include rising stars and representatives from APCS-funded projects focused on improving clinical science training! Details here: pls repost
APCS | Clinical Science Forum at APSmagnifying glass APCS will sponsor a clinical science forum to be held at the Association for Psychological Science 2024 conference.
Short paper argues for transparent documentation of disagreements in big team science projects
A new look at networks! With these two new papers published in World Psychiatry ( and ( I hope we can think about including context, changes in the means, and how the network may be moderated by contextual factors.
The future of dynamic networks in research and clinical Click on the article title to read more.
Just saw a cyber truck in the wild for the first time. That would have looked pretty cool to me when I was a kid in the eighties. I mean if it transformed into a robot and was a toy.
Hey #StatsSky #rstats, Any guidance on measurement invariance testing for causal indicator (not just composite) models? Having a hard time finding articles that talk about available methods rather than the *need* for available methods.
If you're coming to #APS24SF and interested in a) social experiences and suicidality b) editorial responsibility in methods reform c) precision stress science d) causal inference in stress + health research then consider swinging by one of these 4 symposia/panels 🧵1/5
Either our Roomba's red error light got stuck in the "on" position or we now have a robot vacuum and mop of death on our hands #DoctorWho
My God, this is the best poem I've read in months. "When My Daughter Tells Me I was Never Punk," by Jessica Walsh. (Sorry the alt text doesn't go all the way to the end, but you can find the poem online.)
Headed to #APS later this month? If you're there on Thursday, join us at the Clinical Science Forum! Speakers include rising stars and representatives from APCS-funded projects focused on improving clinical science training! Details here: pls repost
APCS | Clinical Science Forum at APSmagnifying glass APCS will sponsor a clinical science forum to be held at the Association for Psychological Science 2024 conference.