
Whenever I'm talking with game devs and we talk about a puzzle, my question is always: Adventure game, Myst, or 7th Guest. Mostly because I'm extremely old. But, in Adventure games, the puzzles were very much a part of the narrative. In 7th Guest, you just solved a classic puzzle. Myst was halfway.
Myst went a long way to contrive a world that was built of puzzles, so they were a part of the setting and story like a graphical adventure game, but they were so contrived, it felt closer to 7th Guest than Secret of Monkey Island or a King's Quest game.
For my part, I recently built a "click things in a certain order" puzzle to open a secret door. The things you clicked were next to tablets that basically had the code and implied the order. So I think it was more on the Myst side, almost to the graphical adventure side. I generally prefer those.
That's why I prefer Riven in that series. The puzzles can still be a bit obtuse and steeped in the logic of the game world, but with the game (mostly) raking place in one Age, it comes off a lot less contrived.
do you get the occasional journeyman project enthusiast? they're so goofy but i love them
Not so far. I'm waiting to find another Access Software enthusiast.
under a killing moon blew my mind when i first played it. one of those titles that made me go "oh games can do this?"
All the Tex Murphys Inloved. I started with Mean Streets though, like a real head 💅🏻
Mean Streets scared the hell out of me when the voice came out of my PC speaker "They're in my head! THEY'RE IN MY HEAD!"
lol I think the first time I played I disnt even have sound for whatever reason. When I finally heard the voice samples I was like WHAAAA
I'd tack on Carmen Sandiego. Broderbund managed to sell a ton of pocket encyclopedias that just happened to have a video game tutorial of how to use a pocket encyclopedia included.
Others in the genre are games like Pokemon Go, or the Fitbit. The puzzle being solved is the monotony of real life tasks.