
With “allies“ like these who needs enemies
Sorry you have an ally like that. Maybe I'd have more hope if it's Labour under Corbyn, but Starmer is a lighter Tory & Labour under him is more Tory. Only good reason I can see for voting Labour is to keep Tories out, things will be awful, just not as awful. I'd love Green to win, but they won't.
Still vote green. Make your voice heard.
I'd like to, it's pretty much an argument between head & heart, i'd feel dirty voting Labour but Tories get bolder with every win & are dirtier. Labour are the tactical vote for my area. We've also been a Tory safe seat, but current opinion polls show a chance of flipping it.
Well congrats on maybe getting a red tory instead of a blue one! Hope that makes up for voting against my human rights!
I've not voted yet. Hence 'head' Vs 'heart' comment. It's a dilemma. At the end of the day my vote will either benefit the Tories or Labour, so my head says vote the lesser of two evils. My heart says I should support those I think should be in power the most & what I stand for.
“What you stand for“ Apparently not opposing transphobia and genocide. It really is that simple. Take some responsibility for fucks sake
It does include that. Hence dilemma. Victory is going to either be Tory or Labour. Both are terrible for trans issues & what's going on in Palestine, but one party is worse & their reign needs to end. I also see the importance of that voice being heard & I know not enough people give that voice...
Maybe ultimately that's what it'll boil down to & maybe there's enough tactical voters out there.
I mean heck, Labour probably relies too much on the fact they know people will tactically vote for them when the Tories are out of control.
Vote with your conscience not a tactical spreadsheet. Be a fucking human being looking to vote for someone who represents you. It is really simple you just dont want to be held to account by what you will be voting FOR when you vote labour
The lesser of two evils is still evil
It is. The system is so broken it's got us voting tactically rather than what we think is right because of the practical outcome. Doing what you feel is right isn't always going to have the better outcome. And is why this has been one of the hardest elections for me to make a decision on.
But ultimately, I've decided to not go against my conscience and intend to go and vote green when I finish work, because what is needed are more voices standing for what is right.