
tomorrow marks 5 wks since my youngest brother died. i've been struggling to function & unable to work. y'all basically paid my june bills & i'm so, so grateful. i had hoped to catch up by now but i'm barely eating/sleeping. i still need help. shares appreciated.
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any funds go to basic household survival (rent, utilities, food, pet food, medication, etc) & gas to visit my mom. i spend my time w her or dissociating for hrs. i've also been buying takeout for her bc she's been losing weight & i'm concerned for her health as much as my own.
i can't express how grateful i am to y'all for any help you've given so far & any that may come. it's hard for me to say anything positive right now bc grief & depression have gutted me, but i'm not exaggerating when i say my family still has a home bc of y'all. thank you thank you thank you.
i am working on my backlog of comms as much as i am able. if anyone to whom i owe art wants updates or contact or a refund, they can absolutely dm or email me. i am trying to be as transparent as possible. i just have very limited mental resources right now. i promise i'm trying.
thank y'all for understanding. for helping. for not passing judgment while i'm in pain. it's hard for me to exist right now, but if it weren't for help from strangers online, i wouldn't even have a house or food or meds. i cannot stress enough how grateful i am for that.
Im so sry for your loss I hope things get better for you, at least a little bit <3
I am so sorry for your loss 🫂🫂🫂