
What are four comics you don’t only like, you draw inspiration from? #Artsky (Calvin and Hobbes and peanuts are also givens, but like, who doesn’t say those?)
What are four comics you don’t only like, you draw inspiration from? 🖼️ #Artsky
I fell behind on it, need to catch up, but have you read any of the Bloom County revival? It can be hit or miss, just like Berkeley's work kinda is in general, but I enjoyed it, and LOVED the Calvin and Hobbes crossover arc.
I haven’t. I guess I oughta.
It's interesting in that, instead of following up on Opus, it instead goes for like, a time shift forward, letting Outland and Opus exist in their own branch. Which is fine with me, because while Opus was a mixed bag (and Outland was largely bleh), it had a pretty sweet little ending of its own.
Yeah, he got an ending, why take that away.
Right, right! So the new Bloom County is like, an AU, where the original cast get transported from the end of the 80's to the mid-10's onwards. Berkeley's actual reason for coming back to it was actually in reaction to his disappointment with the sequel to To Kill a Mockingbird, his favorite book.
I met him in 2013. He had no idea who I was, because I was…well, much less famous then.
I can’t really criticize, since I’m inevitably making an Ozy and Millie sequel comic focused on Milo.
And the funny thing is, Opus (the Sunday strip) was itself him coming back to the series after he thought he had put it to bed. This is from the foreward of the Opus collection, and it really stuck with me as a creative.
I certainly try not to judge other artists for making, or not making, things. I, too, am doing it for myself. I always have been. (But also it does complicate things that if I keep doing Phoebe they’ll keep driving dumptrucks of money to my house.)
I want to think I’ll quit when it’s creatively time to quit, but I’d be voluntarily taking a huge pay cut. So I don’t know.
Hell yeah! I don't know if I'll ever be able to make much money off of my work, especially since I'm still struggling to push myself out of habitual writer's block, but like, I HAVE to create, because I WANT to create, it's in my bones, I love sharing it but it's for ME, first and foremost.